Âû íå çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíû Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ | Ïîèñê | Âîéòè


Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 21.09.2004 14:32 

Any news, I just want my guitar so badly.:)
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 25.09.2004 05:14 

Any luck with that jackplate?
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 25.09.2004 13:16 

Yes, the guitar is READY NOW... i hope to have the new shipping schedule on TUESDAY
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 25.09.2004 19:52 

Woo hoo!
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 28.09.2004 11:11 

CS-0020_4913 copy.jpg
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 05.10.2004 03:59 

Any news on the shipping date, Michael?

Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 05.10.2004 04:15 

DRINK BEER!!!!!!!!!!!

Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 05.10.2004 14:33 

Unfortunately, no news on the shipping date. I asked Mr.Shamray very nicely to give me the shipping schedule today (like i ask him every day!) but so far he has not complied.

My best guess would be sometime in the next 7-10 days
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 05.10.2004 20:35 

Damn that evil Mr. Shamray!

Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 05.10.2004 20:49 

I wouldn't damn him sean. Remember, he still has your guitar. lol
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 05.10.2004 21:31 

whats that i hear? a fresh golden bullseye crackling in Mr. Shamrays fireplace? So, evil :p jk
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 05.10.2004 23:01 

I love the smell of burnt laquered mahogany in the morning. hahaha
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 06.10.2004 00:52 

You evil bastards!

Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 06.10.2004 03:23 

LoOoVe HuuuuRtsssS!:sweat:
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 06.10.2004 04:23 

Can I maybe get a better case for my guitar given the fact I was told my guitar would take 2 months but instead took 10 months?
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 06.10.2004 14:12 

Done!  - Your guitar will have the best case we can find for it
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 07.10.2004 13:05 

Thankyou very much. Could I also, maybe get a pony for my girlfriend?
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 12.10.2004 00:29 

Any news on the shipping date?
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 12.10.2004 15:18 

UPDATE: Shamray told me today that your guitar should ship out sometime during the week of October 18th - 23rd
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 16.10.2004 11:27 

SKB-56 case for you
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 19.10.2004 13:53 

Has my guitar been shipped?

Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 21.10.2004 02:53 

C'mon guys, I can't take not knowing what's happening much longer, I've been very patient!
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 22.10.2004 01:23 

Hi Sean... due to our shipping bottleneck, it still hasnt shipped, and i dont think it will go out until next week
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 24.10.2004 15:37 

Ok, is it possible that I get updated more regularly? I understand that you are busy but I was one of the first customers and I feel like I'm being forgotten about.

Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 24.10.2004 16:03 

I just can't believe it's been almost a year since I ordered my guitar and I still have nothing to show for it. I could have spent my £1000 on a brand name guitar but I chose to order a custom one which I was told would take approximately 2 months to build. If I had known it was going to take this long I would never have bothered buying a guitar from Shamray.
I seriously think I should be offered a massive discount for having to wait this long and never knowing what is going on with lack of updates informing me of delays etc.
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 25.10.2004 01:59 

Well Sean, our "estimated build time" of 14 weeks (what was quoted on your work-order) was only that  - an ESTIMATE. (Nowhere in your workorder is there any mention of a GUARANTEED delivery date!)  I do apologize profusely for it taking more than double that, but many circumstances have been out of our control, and building guitars by hand is much more an art than a science (which is why the major manufacturers stopped doing it more than 20 years ago)

Your guitar has been "ready to ship" for several weeks now - you may remember that i told you some time ago that it cannot ship until we get the rest of the (some even more overdue) guitars out that are still in line ahead of it.. and we are currently restricted to shipping only one guitar per week. (Hopefully that situation, and some of the other dismal problems around here that contribute to unfathomably overdue guitars will change in the near future). There is really nothing left to inform you of, until it actually ships out...

The only good news i can offer is that if Shamray managed to get 0015 out on the weekend (like he promised me that he would) then YOUR guitar is next in line, and should ship out sometime this week. 

Personally I would LOVE to be able offer you (and all the other nice people who have been patiently waiting for overdue guitars) some massive rebates, but i don't think Mr. Shamray can afford to do that, since he has lost money hand-over-fist due to all the delays that have gone on this year (the rent, crafters, overhead, etc still has to be paid whether he ships any guitars or not...)
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 25.10.2004 19:49 

I'm sorry, I understand that these things take time, I'm just so anxious to get my guitar. It wasn't fair of me to ask for a discount, especially since the price of the guitar was very cheap anyway.

< BR>

Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 25.10.2004 21:04 

Now guitar is really on the way in SKB-56 case. Wait a few days and you will play on it.
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 29.10.2004 00:10 

My guitar arrivede today, that was realy quick, so glad customs never got it.

It's fantastic to play, and it's got a really nice bite to it.

Thanks Shamray, I'll send some pictures soon and maybe some sound files.
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 29.10.2004 12:41 

Our guitar in SCOTLAND!!! :)  Very Cool!

I'm glad you like it, and thanks again for your patience - at 43 weeks from deposit to shipment, its the longest guitar order we have EVER had. We are in the process of implementing several new management procedures to make sure that future orders don't suffer from the delays that yours did...
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 30.10.2004 01:33 

Dudes, this guitar sounds absolutely fantastic, it really has got such an amazing tone. I'm in love with an inaminate object...
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 01.11.2004 03:14 

Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 03.11.2004 22:56 

Hey Michael, thanks for the amazing guitar.
When will you be able to get the gold kidney bean machine heads?

Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 05.11.2004 08:39 

My congratulations!!!
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 09.11.2004 21:41 

Any soundclips/pictures yet??
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 10.11.2004 01:04 

I'm still looking for the "kidney" buttons... as soon as i find some they will be on their way in the mail, and I shall drop you an email so you can be on the lookout
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 11.11.2004 10:31 

Schaller parts are on the local distributor's stock!!!
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 17.05.2005 13:14 

äîëãî æå ëå÷èëè "çàâòðàêàìè" òîâàðèùà çàêàç÷èêà... îáåùàëè ñäåëàòü "ïðèìåðíî" çà 3 ìåñÿöà, à ñäåëàëè "ïðèìåðíî" çà ãîä :lol:

è âîîáùå òîâàðèù íåïîíÿòíûé... çà 1000ôóíòèêîâ ìîã áû ëåãêî ïîäûñêàòü ñåáå LP custom íàñòîÿùèé íà ebay. Óæ çà ãîä-òî 100% íàø¸ë áû ïîäõîäÿùèé âàðèàíò. Åùå áû è äåíåã îñòàëîñü íà ïåðåêðàñêó è ñìåíó äàò÷èêîâ íà EMG ;)
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 18.05.2005 02:29 

È ãðèôà íà êëåíîâûé? Âðÿäëè.
Òåìà: Re: CS 0020 - Shamray Custom Shop "BULLSEYE" for Sean Adamson (Scotland)
Âðåìÿ: 18.01.2006 13:03 

ß âñ¸ íå ÷èòàë,íî ìíå êàæåòñÿ ñëèøêîì ñèëüíî îòëè÷àåòñÿ îò îðèãèíàëà.Ïî÷åìó òî êàíòà ñíèçó íåò,íó òàì êîëêè è ïîðîãè íå òàêèå êàê â îðèãèíàëå.Îí òàê è õîòåë?
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