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Çàäàòü íîâóþ òåìó
Òåìà: Ïîñîáèå ïî ïîñòðîåíèþ ðîê-êîìïîçèöèé
Âðåìÿ: 15.10.2009 16:02 
Ìîñêâà, Ìåäâåäêîâî

Âñåì ïðèâåò!

Êèíüòå â ìåíÿ ïîæàëóéñòà ìàòåðèàëîì ïî ïîñòðîåíèþ ðîê-êîìïîçèöèé, â êîòîðîì áûëî áû îïèñàíî èñïîëüçîâàíèå òèïè÷íûõ äëÿ ðîêà èíñòðóìåíòîâ - ãèòàð, êëàâèøíûõ, áàñà, áàðàáàíîâ. Ñåé÷àñ èãðàåì îðèåíòèðóÿñü íà ñîáñòâåííûé ìóçûêàëüíûé âêóñ è ïðèìåðû âåëèêèõ ðîê-ãðóïï. Áîëüøå ÷åì óâåðåí, ÷òî âîïðîñ íå íîâ è ñóùåñòâóþò êàêèå-òî îñíîâû, îò êîòîðûõ êàê ðàç è õîòåëîñü áû îòòàëêèâàòüñÿ.
Once upon a time on the third stone from the Sun...
Òåìà: Re: Ïîñîáèå ïî ïîñòðîåíèþ ðîê-êîìïîçèöèé
Âðåìÿ: 15.10.2009 17:04 

Áëþçîâàÿ áàëàëàéêà

The Everything Music Composition Book with CD: A step-by-step guide to writing music

Product Description
This book is an all-in-one guide for people who want to compose their own musical arrangements. You will learn to tap into your creativity while integrating melody, harmony, rhythm, and other musical devices. In no time, you’ll be writing music in a wide range of genres, from rock to jazz and classical to Latin! This book features:
• Instruction for score writing for various ensembles
• Critical information about musical history
• Dozens of recorded examples
• Tips for getting music performed and published
This book and CD package shows you how to master complex musical ideas and apply them to your own creative works. You will be inspired to write and showcase your pieces with this fun and easy resource!

The Everything Rock & Blues Piano Book

Are you ready to take your piano playing beyond the basic? Would you like to learn how the musicians on your favorite CDs create the rock and blues you love? The Everything Rock & Blues Piano Book with CD teaches you the fundamentals of rock and blues piano playing in a fun, easy-to-follow manner. Written by an experienced musician, recording artist, and music journalist, this practical guide is packed with advice on playing in this exciting style, including:
• How to play with soul
• Basic and advanced techniques for playing rock and roll
• How to play 12 Bar Blues, Shuffle, and Boogie-Woogie
• Ways to tap into your creative self and improvise
• Tips on writing songs for the piano, playing in a band, and recording your own music
Music lovers and students will enjoy learning the rich history and development of blues and rock music while mastering the art and science of piano playing. With practical exercises and an audio CD with professionally played examples of rock and blues, you'll be playing like a pro in no time!
Eric Starr is an accomplished composer, drummer, and recording artist who has been playing music for more than twenty years. Starr, who has established himself in the music community, has played sold out shows at Lincoln Center
Òåìà: Re: Ïîñîáèå ïî ïîñòðîåíèþ ðîê-êîìïîçèöèé
Âðåìÿ: 27.10.2009 09:53 
Ìîñêâà, Ìåäâåäêîâî

Ñïàñèáî çà îòâåò, Íèêîëàé. ñóäÿ ïî îòâåòó, âû â òåìå. Íå çíàþ òîëüêî, áóäó ëè çàêàçûâàòü íà àìàçîíå â áëèæàéøåå âðåìÿ, íî âñå ìîæåò áûòü :)
Once upon a time on the third stone from the Sun...
Òåìà: Re: Ïîñîáèå ïî ïîñòðîåíèþ ðîê-êîìïîçèöèé
Âðåìÿ: 06.11.2009 18:04 
ðîêàâûå ÷àñòîòû

ó÷èñü ñ êóçíå÷èêà ïèñàòü. äàëüøå áîëüøå. äóìàþ çà òàê ðàñêèäûâàòüñÿ ìàòåðèàëîì íèêòî íå áóäåò
Òåìà: Re: Ïîñîáèå ïî ïîñòðîåíèþ ðîê-êîìïîçèöèé
Âðåìÿ: 28.01.2011 21:03 
kurzweil kme-61, ôîíî

íó íóæíî ïðîñòî óìåòü ïèñàòü, çíàòü ôîðìû ïðîèçâåäåíèé, âèäû ãàðìîíèé ýòèõ ñòèëèñòîê è íà îñíîâå èõ óæå èìïðîâèçèðîâàòü
 ýòîò ôîðóì ìîãóò ïèñàòü òîëüêî çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûå ïîëüçîâàòåëè!