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Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 24.12.2005 01:08 
Jonas Dalmayne

Damn! That's going to look so gorgeous when it's laquered! And then with a little bursting and with the solid black sides and the solid black neck to accentuate it... Beautifull!!! :)
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 24.12.2005 02:54 

In my specs list paper written "The rest of the guitar should be finished opaque black".
I think solid black will looks better of course.

Tomorrow I will install MOP logo and frets then monday - first laquer layer. Wensday your guitar will be finally painted and ready to polishing.

I'll post all process pics here.
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 24.12.2005 17:43 

um.. "SOLID" actually IS "opaque" ( as opposed to translucent, or transparent)...



1 preventing light from travelling through, and therefore not transparent or translucent
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 24.12.2005 21:26 
Jonas Dalmayne

Well, solid or opaque, what ever you want to call it. ;) Looking forward to seeing those pics!
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 25.12.2005 13:55 

OK! I understand :-D
Sorry but english is not my biggest advantage.
Sides and neck I'll make NOT transparent black.
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 25.12.2005 16:28 
Jonas Dalmayne

Does anyone (Mike or Sushkov, that is) know if Stepanov's ordered those pickups yet? You can't start laquering it before you've routed the pickup cavities, right? Looking very nice though... :)
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 25.12.2005 21:39 

Pickups was ordered month ago as I know.
I can make ALL routings after polishing. All edges will be protected with laquer after routing.
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 25.12.2005 23:17 
Jonas Dalmayne

Well, I switched to the Bareknuckles about 2-3 weeks ago, he hadn't ordered any pickups then but was supposed to do so right away. Let's hope he did...
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 25.12.2005 23:51 

Michael said that pickups was ordered. Ask him please.

So let me know what do you think about ebony pickups covers. They must be closed like EMG or what?
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 26.12.2005 00:42 
Jonas Dalmayne

Yes, I think so. Mike was worried they'd be to brittle if you drill holes in them, so closed EMG-style will probably be best. If Mike says the pickups are ordered I'm sure they are. :)
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 26.12.2005 03:35 

Actually, i never said the pickups were 'ordered'... what I told Sushkov last week is that i had already instructed Stepanov to order them.

(Stepanov is supposed to be handling ALL parts procurement, effective two months ago)

However, I just talked to him today and he said he HASN'T ordered them yet (due to some problem getting funds onto his Mastercard account, or something) and he says that tommorrow he wants to go over a big list of parts he would like ME to buy for him right away, as a favor.

So probably I will making a BareKnuckle order tommorrow evening. (assuming Bareknuckle arent closed for the holidays)

The reason that procurement was handed over to Stepanov is that if I order parts on MY credit card, then they have to be shipped to MY address - which means that then I have to go way across town and stand in line at the post office for hours on end, day after day, to retrieve all of the parcels (here in Russia, all parcels must be addressed to an INDIVIDUAL, and the individual in question has to show their PASSPORT in order to pick one up)

To be honest, I have MUCH better things to do with my time than stand in line at the post office, and Shamray really can't afford to pay me to do it. My hourly rate consulting fee is roughly ten times what Stepanov makes an hour... (my time is very valuable! :-) )
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 26.12.2005 15:35 
Jonas Dalmayne

Tim answered one of my earlier mails this morning, so I think he's around to accept the order.
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 27.12.2005 00:55 
Jonas Dalmayne

Actually, just got this from Tim:

"The workshop is closed until January 3rd but you can order online at"
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 27.12.2005 01:21 

Yes, i just contacted Tim and placed our Bareknuckle orders (for your guitar and also for CS-1984).

They won't actually be able to process the order until January 3rd, when they are back to work.

Pickup winding is a pretty labor-intensive job - I'll wager that he is happy to be taking a whole week off :-)
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 27.12.2005 02:23 

Thanks, Michael!

Today's status - first layer of laquer.
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 27.12.2005 02:33 
My name

Not my bussines but my opinion is thath what guitar is too bright, it would be better if she were dark purple and border with bright purple looks ugly, it must be black :P

Never mind :)
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 27.12.2005 03:36 

thats the first layer dude, its not going to end up like that...

Nice top btw!
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 27.12.2005 04:13 

Yes, black sides and burst must be painted on laquer base. Day after tomorrow you will see final color.
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 27.12.2005 13:42 

"My name": The final colour will be darker, something like this:

Just got some more pics from Mike, try not to drool on your keyboards... :)
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 27.12.2005 22:15 
My name

shall see the final ;)
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 28.12.2005 23:48 

Some new pics from Mike, the black has been applied, in fact the paint is still wet in the pics. Don't quite know how far along it is in the process, but looking promising so far! ;)
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 29.12.2005 00:24 
My name

Yeah baby :] Thats more like it.
Im fan of explorer model 8) and I got one here near me :) EXPLORER RULEZ MAN!

p.s.- beer and heavy metal
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 29.12.2005 01:05 

Yea, nice isn't it! :)

Here's a colour-corrected version of the 3rd pic from the left that Mike sent me, it's a lot closer to what it looks like in person as his camera apparently makes everything look a little redish.
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 29.12.2005 21:11 

is there any way you could alvage those inlays (wolf to man) and sell them because i think they look amazing
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 29.12.2005 22:37 

nice one
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 30.12.2005 16:37 

This thread was off the top of the list for a few hours...I was beginning to fear the world would here it is bumped back to the top.
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 30.12.2005 18:22 

Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 03.01.2006 18:19 

update: I just got off the phone with the Bareknuckle office in England, and they confirmed that 'the Moscow pickup order' is now on their orderboard. :-)
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 03.01.2006 21:32 

Good news! I've gone through the final specs with Tim. He's going to sort them out so they'll have flush tops, should make it easier to mount the closed ebony covers that way.
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 04.01.2006 05:28 

loving that colour man!
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 04.01.2006 15:49 

Anyone else notice that dollar sign guitar on the workbench in the background there? :-)
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 04.01.2006 16:08 

it's letter "s" ;)

here is the pic
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 04.01.2006 18:24 

its part of a set, i think S and D (the group is called subba dubba or something like that...)
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 07.01.2006 00:01 

Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 07.01.2006 00:22 
Jonas Dalmayne

Hi Sushkov, you working over the holidays? ;)

That was quick, I figured the laquer would need more time to cure, it took about a month on CS-0057 and that was also around this time of year. But I guess that varies alot from time to time.

Looks sweet though! :)
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 07.01.2006 19:38 

That colour is amazing! Beautiful burst!
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 07.01.2006 19:46 
Jonas Dalmayne

Yeah, not too bad huh? ;)

From what I've been told it's supposed to be more bluish then what these pics show though, I think it's the flash and possible the shop lights that gives it this more pinkish tone.

I think I'll ask Sushkov or Mike if there's any chance of some outdoor pics at some point, they usually show of the true colour better. Assuming the weather is decent, that is...
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 07.01.2006 21:23 

sushkovs camera in conjunction with the workshop lights definatly do add a purple colour to the guitar, 1985 was a good example of that

sushkov pic:

actual colour:
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 07.01.2006 23:01 
Paulo Mendes

Jonas your guitar is getting amazing !!! i had seen the Bio Hazard model and loved it ... but this one is so much beautiful because of the colours and wood in my opinion. Love the colour which it is getting despite i know the final colour is other but its awesome as it is :)
Òåìà: Re: CS 0063 - Shamray Custom Shop "JHD EXP Mk.II" for Jonas Dalmayne (Sweden)
Âðåìÿ: 08.01.2006 00:11 

weather is pretty hopeless lately! the temperature lurching from -15 to 0 and back... I havent seen any sunshine for 3 or 4 days at least
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