Àâòîð | Òåìà: ïðîäàì Ïðîäàþ 2 ïðî àëüò ñàêñîôîíà |
Âðåìÿ: 07.10.2009 15:17 |
Ìîñêâà Sax Tenor/Alto/Soprano |
Ïðîäàþ 2 ïðîôåññèîíàëüíûõ àëüò ñàêñîôîíà 1 - Conn 6m alto (gold laquer) - ãîä íàçàä áûë ïîëíîñòüþ îòðåñòàâðèðîâàí (1934-1947 The M series with rolled tone holes. Some of these earlier M series horns were silver plated, most of the late ones were laquered brass. The 2M and 4M (curved) sopranos were offered, along with the 6M alto, 10M tenor, 12M baritone and 14M bass (discontinued 1941) Other models offered during this period include the Connqueror 26M alto and 30M tenor Serial number range: approx 260,000-327,150) 2 - Ginkel (ñêîðåå âñåãî êîïèÿ Conn 20-õ) (silver laquer) â èäèàëüíîì ñîñòîÿíèè ñ äîáàâëåííîé ïî ìîåìó çàêàçó âèëêîé (f-key) 4-õ çíà÷íûé ñåðèéíèê Îáà èíñòðóìåíòà î÷åíü çäîðîâî çâó÷àò è ñ ðîäíûìè ýñêàìè Îáðàùàòñÿ ïî òåë: 8 915 398 5027 - Èãîðü ëèáî ïî email: igor.balabaev@gmail.com |
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Ïðîäàþ 2 ïðî àëüò ñàêñîôîíà
Âðåìÿ: 18.10.2009 08:13 |
Ìîñêâà Sax Tenor/Alto/Soprano |
up | |