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Çàäàòü íîâóþ òåìó
Òåìà: ïðîäàì Eurorack synth modules & Dub Siren
ãîðîä: Ìîñêâà öåíà: äîã Âðåìÿ: 08.11.2015 11:52 
+ / -

Ïðîäàì èëè îáìåíÿþ #eurorack ìîäóëè (ïðåäëàãàéòå âàðèàíòû). Îñîáåííî çàèíòåðåñîâàí â ýòèõ:
ã.Ìîñêâà (Çåëåíîãðàä). Ïåðåñûë âîçìîæåí.

Modcan - Quad Envelope - 430$
Doepfer A-148 Dual Sample and Hold - 70$

Polivoks Filter - 55$
The filter circuit is identical to the original design and uses the exact same schematic as the polivoks synthesizer as well as new old stock soviet integrated circuits (ê140óä12 and êð140óä8á, not western "equivalents". The Polivoks filter was noted for its extremely aggressive sound, particularly within the filter. easy to overload, unstable at high q values, and self-oscillating with a dirty pulse. Panel size: 4HP !
Dual Polivoks Filter - 85$
Controls: Cutoff & Resonanse for each channel. 4HP !!
2 LFO - 65$
2 independent LFO. Voltage: +-5 V. Controls: Depth, Rate, Shape (Saw/Triangle/Reverse Saw). Switch Wave:Triangle / Square. Switch speed: Normal, Hight, Midle. 4HP!
4 LFO - 90$
4 independent LFO. Voltage: +-5 V. Controls: Depth, Rate. Switch Shape: Saw / Triangle / Reverse Saw. Switch Speed: Low / Hi. 6HP
DVD - 60$
2 VCA + 2 envelop generators with decay time control, 4HP
4D - 65$
4 envelop generators with decay time control, 4HP!!
ARbuz - 65$
Dual Envelope Generator with Attack, Decay and Level Control, 4HP
BUM! - 65$
You can get the sound: kick, bass drum, tom
TSA! - 65$
You can get the sound: snare, clap, rimshot, hi hat, cymbal
DAP! (Drum Atari Punk) - 55$
Drum based Atari Punk Console. Sound: tom, rimshot, hi hat, cymbal and glitch. 4HP
PIK! - 65$
You can get the sound: tom, osc drum with LFO

Ðó÷íûå ïåðåêëþ÷àòåëè:
"163" - 60$
One big switch: 6 switches with 3 positions. Good for change drum sets. 8HP
"42x" - 35$
4 independent switches 2 positions, plus the center position "off". 4HP
"23" - 30$
Two independent switches with 3 positions. 3HP

à òàê æå:
Dub Boy - Analog Dub Siren - 5500 ðóá
 ýòîò ôîðóì ìîãóò ïèñàòü òîëüêî çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûå ïîëüçîâàòåëè!