Âû íå çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíû Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ | Ïîèñê | Âîéòè

Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã: êóïëþ-ïðîäàì

Çàäàòü íîâóþ òåìó
Òåìà: ĸøåâî ïðîäàì ãèòàðó Series 10(USA)+áîíóñ
öåíà: Âðåìÿ: 19.02.2007 15:23 

Ïðîäàþ ãèòàðó Series 10 (USA)+Boss Metal Zone+Delay(Ëåëü)
Çà âñ¸ õî÷ó 7000ð.  ïðèäà÷ó ìîãó îòäàòü êèòàéñêèé äàò÷èê õàìáàêåð è ïðîâîä 6ì è ñòàðåíüêèé, ñàìûé îáû÷íûé ÷åõîë.

Ãèòàðà. Èíñòðóìåíò øòàòîâñêîãî ïðîèçâîäñòâà ãîäîâ íà÷àëà 90-õ, çàêîñ ïîä Charvel (áûòü ìîæåò, îäíî èç åãî îòäåëåíèé). Íîðìàëüíûé ðàçûãðàííûé èíñòðóìåíò ñ äîâîëüíî äèíàìè÷íûì è ÿðêèì çâó÷àíèåì è âåñüìà íåïëîõèì ñóñòåéíîì. Õàìáàêåð DiMarzio Super Distortion (â ìàãàçèíàõ èä¸ò îò 2500ð), òàêèå þçàþò(þçàëè) Iron Maiden è Àðèÿ, 2 ñèíãëà, ñóäÿ ïî âñåìó ðîäíûå. Ðàñêðàñêà ïîä òîò æå Charvel, êðàñíîå ñ ÷¸ðíûì, ñì.ôîòî. Âíåøíåå ñîñòîÿíèå ñðåäíåå. Äî ìåíÿ èíñòðóìåíò êòî-òî íåñêîëüêî ïîêîöàë, ÿ èñïðàâèë íà ñêîëüêî ñìîã (òàêæå ñì.ôîòî). Îòëè÷íûé âûáîð äëÿ ãëýìåðîâ, ôîëê-ðîêåðîâ è ëþáèòåëåé õàðäà. ß æå íà íåé èãðàë ïàðó ëåò íå÷òî âðîäå õýâè ìåòàëà =)) ÄèÌàðöèî âñ¸-òàêè. 22 ëàäà, ñòàíäàðòíàÿ ìåíçóðà. Ãðèô âåñüìà óäîáåí. Ñòðóíû ìîæíî ñêàçàòü íîâûå – ñòàâèë ïàðó ìåñÿöåâ íàçàä è ïî÷òè íå èãðàë (êîìïëåêò D’Addario, 9-46).

Boss Metal Zone. Ìåòàëüíûé äèñòîðøí ñ ýêâàëàéçåðîì (4 ðó÷êè) è õîðîøèì ãýéíîì. Ïðè íàëè÷èè êîìáàéíà çâóê âåñüìà íåïëîõ.  ëèíèþ ëó÷øå äàæå íå äóìàòü. Ìîæåò ðàáîòàòü îò áàòàðåéêè êðîíà.  ìàãàçèíàõ ñòîèìîñòü äåâàéñà êîëåáëåòñÿ îò 2000ð äî 3000ð.

Delay Ëåëü. Äåëýé, êàê äåëýé. Íåäîñòàòêè – ñîâêîâîñòü òàê ñêàçàòü. Ïîâûøåííûé øóì ïðè âêëþ÷åíèè, íå ñëèøêîì óäîáíàÿ ïåäàëü. Ìîæåò ðàáîòàòü îò áàòàðåéêè êðîíà.  ìàãàçèíàõ ñòîèò îêîëî 900ð.

Âñ¸ ýòî ðàáîòîñïîñîáíî è ìîæåò äàâàòü íîðìàëüíûé çâóê, â òîì ÷èñëå è íà êîíöåðòàõ è íà ðåïåòèöèÿõ. Íåîáðàáîòàííîå çâó÷àíèå ñëóøàéòå â ïðèëîæåííûõ ôàéëàõ.

Êàê èòîã, âû÷èòàÿ èç äåíåã, êîòîðûå ÿ õî÷ó çà âñ¸ ýòî äåëî ñòîèìîñòü ïðèëîæåííûõ äåâàéñîâ, èìååì:
7000ð-2500ð-2000ð-900ð=1600ð, ÷òî ÿâëÿåò ñîáîé ñòîèìîñòü êàêîãî-íèáóäü àööòîéíîãî Óðàëà, à çà ýòè äåíüãè âû ïîëó÷àåòå ÎÐÈÃÈÍÀËÜÍÛÉ ðàçûãðàííûé óäîáíûé èíñòðóìåíò. Ñ÷èòàéòå äàðîì îòäàþ. Ïëþñ â ïîäàðîê çàáèðàéòå ÷åõîë, øíóð è ñòàðûé äàò÷èê.

Àóäèîäåìî ãèòàðû:
Çâóêîâîé ôàéë ñîäåðæèò 4 ôðàãìåíòà:
1)×èñòûé çâóê, 1é ñèíãë
2)×èñòûé çâóê, 2é ñèíãë + Delay
3)Distortion, humbucker + Delay, ñîëî, äåìîíñòðàöèÿ ñóñòåéíà
4)Distortion, humbucker, ðèòìû
Ïèñàë ó ñåáÿ äîìà íà êèòàéñêèé ìèêðîôîí Sure SM58 ñ äåø¸âîãî êîáìà Samick. Äàâíî íå èãðàë íà ýòîì èíñòðóìåíòå, ïîîòâûê, ïîýòîìó ãðÿçíîâàòî âûøëî…


Òåë 8 921 656 77 42 (Âîëîäÿ)
Ëó÷øå çâîíèòü è ïèñàòü íà ìûëî, ò.ê. âðåìåíè ïðîâåðÿòü âñå ôîðóìû, ãäå ïîìåùåíà îáúÿâà, ÍÅÒ.
Òåìà: Re: ĸøåâî ïðîäàì ãèòàðó Series 10(USA)+áîíóñ
Âðåìÿ: 19.02.2007 17:22 

÷èòàåì ïðî ýòî ãàâíî
Òåìà: Re: ĸøåâî ïðîäàì ãèòàðó Series 10(USA)+áîíóñ
Âðåìÿ: 20.02.2007 08:14 

Íó è øî òàì ïëîõîãî íàïèñàíî??? Êó÷à ìíåíèé, ïðè÷¸ì ïîëîæèòåëüíûå ïðåâàëèðóþò. Ïðîáëåì ñ ýòîé ãèòàðîé ó ìåíÿ áûëî íåìíîãî, ïëþñ ñòîèò ÄèÌàðöèî, òàê ÷òî íåôèã òóò!
Òåìà: Re: ĸøåâî ïðîäàì ãèòàðó Series 10(USA)+áîíóñ
Âðåìÿ: 20.02.2007 08:20 


Product: Series 10 Fat Strat Style
Price Paid: US $159
Submitted 08/09/2001 at 10:35am by Don
Email: D_Tharp at msncom

Features : 9
Finish (Satin, transparent, quilted top, flamed top, etc...)
Body style (strat, tele, dreadnought, cutaway, thinline, etc...)
Bridge style (Tune-O-Matic, Floyd Rose, Wilkinson, Tele-style, String-thru body, stop tailpiece, etc...)
Tuners (Locking? Non-locking? brand of tuners - Sperzel, Gotoh, Grover, Schaller, etc...)
Neck/Scale (Fat, Thin, Jumbo Frets, Rosewood, Maple, etc...)
Any included accessories? (Case, gig bag, strap, cable, tools, humidifier, etc...)
What year was it made? Where was is made? (Japan, Mexico, USA, etc...)
How many frets?
Solid-Top? Laminated top?
Which controls are given (volume, tone, 5-way selector, 3-way, tap, etc...)?
Pickup configuration? (S/S/H, H/H, S/H, Piezo, etc...)
Make and model of pickups?
Active or Passive electronics?
Body and neck woods? (Maple, Mahogany, Alder, Ash, Basswood, Koa, Plywood, etc...)
Feature black green crackle factory paint, Standard trem, 2 single coils & a Humbucker in bridge. Only thing slightly questionable is the tuners are good but not great,but stays in tune rather well better than that Fender GARBAGE!!!

Sound : 9
How does it suit your music style (and what is that style)?
What amps and effects are you using it with?
Is it noisy? On what settings?
Rich/Full sound? Bright sound?
What kind of sounds can the guitar make? How much variety?
Likes and dislikes?
I play Rock,blues & jazz. This is a Great metal & blues guitar but I can't really get the jazz tones out of it but it's a cheaper solid body...what can you expect!!! Strong pickups not noisey at all really a great guitar as are most all Series 10's I have owned(about 7)

Action, Fit, & Finish : 9
How well was the guitar set-up at the factory? (How was the action?)
How well were the pickups adjusted?
Properly bookmatched top? Properly routed bridge?
Did the guitar contain any flaws? (misaligned bracing, poorly filed fretwire, finish flaws, poor quality wood, rusted or oxidized hardware, loose tuning pegs, poorly cut nut, poorly fit saddle, noisy pickup selector, loose controls, etc...)
All good here!!!

Reliability/Durability : 10
Will this guitar withstand live playing?
Does the hardware seem like it will last?
Is the finish good enough to last, or does it seem thin and easy to wear off with lots of playing?
Are the strap buttons solid?
Can you depend on it?
Would you use it on a gig without a backup?
I have to say this is a work horse! Everything works well & judging by the Crackle paint job this has to be an 80's guitar so it has servived VERY Well & still ROCKS!!!

Customer Support : No Opinion
Ever try and get it repaired? Was it under warranty
How long is the warranty
If you've dealt with the company, how helpful/friendly were they?
Never dealt with them!

Overall Rating : 10
How long have you been playing? What other gear do you own?
Is there something you wish you had asked before buying this guitar?
If it were stolen or lost, would you buy it again or get something else?
What do you love about it? What do you hate? What is your favorite feature?
Did you compare it to other guitars? Which ones? Why did you choose this one?
Anything you wish it had?
Anything else you'd like to share?
GREAT Guitar but not a pro high end guitar! I have to say for the money it's a Extremely good value!!!


Series 10 Fat Strat Style
Price Paid: US $169 used
Submitted 07/17/2001 at 04:18pm by Anonymous

Features : 2
Finish (Satin, transparent, quilted top, flamed top, etc...)
Body style (strat, tele, dreadnought, cutaway, thinline, etc...)
Bridge style (Tune-O-Matic, Floyd Rose, Wilkinson, Tele-style, String-thru body, stop tailpiece, etc...)
Tuners (Locking? Non-locking? brand of tuners - Sperzel, Gotoh, Grover, Schaller, etc...)
Neck/Scale (Fat, Thin, Jumbo Frets, Rosewood, Maple, etc...)
Any included accessories? (Case, gig bag, strap, cable, tools, humidifier, etc...)
What year was it made? Where was is made? (Japan, Mexico, USA, etc...)
How many frets?
Solid-Top? Laminated top?
Which controls are given (volume, tone, 5-way selector, 3-way, tap, etc...)?
Pickup configuration? (S/S/H, H/H, S/H, Piezo, etc...)
Make and model of pickups?
Active or Passive electronics?
Body and neck woods? (Maple, Mahogany, Alder, Ash, Basswood, Koa, Plywood, etc...)
basically your average strat copy with a very nice paint job the pickups really ####ed it and that dragged the preformance way down

Sound : 3
How does it suit your music style (and what is that style)?
What amps and effects are you using it with?
Is it noisy? On what settings?
Rich/Full sound? Bright sound?
What kind of sounds can the guitar make? How much variety?
Likes and dislikes?
the sound was very bad because the pickups totally blew

Action, Fit, & Finish : 10
How well was the guitar set-up at the factory? (How was the action?)
How well were the pickups adjusted?
Properly bookmatched top? Properly routed bridge?
Did the guitar contain any flaws? (misaligned bracing, poorly filed fretwire, finish flaws, poor quality wood, rusted or oxidized hardware, loose tuning pegs, poorly cut nut, poorly fit saddle, noisy pickup selector, loose controls, etc...)
very very very long neck making the action a bit tricky awsoem awsome finish

Reliability/Durability : 10
Will this guitar withstand live playing?
Does the hardware seem like it will last?
Is the finish good enough to last, or does it seem thin and easy to wear off with lots of playing?
Are the strap buttons solid?
Can you depend on it?
Would you use it on a gig without a backup?
as sturdy as you can amgine hard as a brick
Òåìà: Re: ĸøåâî ïðîäàì ãèòàðó Series 10(USA)+áîíóñ
Âðåìÿ: 21.02.2007 04:17 

×å ûû ìíå ìîçãè ïóäðèøü ìàéèóíî âåðåøâèëî!!!!!
Òåìà: Re: ĸøåâî ïðîäàì ãèòàðó Series 10(USA)+áîíóñ
Âðåìÿ: 21.02.2007 06:28 

Áåðó ó òåáÿ åå â äâà ðàçà äîðîæå ,3500, íî áåç òâîèõ ëåëåé è ò.ä.
Òåìà: Re: ĸøåâî ïðîäàì ãèòàðó Series 10(USA)+áîíóñ
Âðåìÿ: 21.02.2007 09:52 

Àøîòèê, ñëûø, èäû-êà òû ìèìî, äàðàãîé.

Guest, òîãäà è áåç äàò÷èêà DiMarzio, êîòîðûé òû â ìàãàçå äåøåâëå 2500ð íå íàéä¸øü.
Îòäåëüíî ìåíüøå ÷åì çà 4500ð íå ïðîäàì. Èíñòðóìåíò õîðîøèé, ñî ñâîèì õàðàêòåðîì çâó÷àíèÿ.
Òåìà: Re: ĸøåâî ïðîäàì ãèòàðó Series 10(USA)+áîíóñ
Âðåìÿ: 22.02.2007 11:43 

Òåìà: Re: ĸøåâî ïðîäàì ãèòàðó Series 10(USA)+áîíóñ
Âðåìÿ: 22.02.2007 20:22 

Ïðîâåðü ïî÷òó!
Òåìà: Re: ĸøåâî ïðîäàì ãèòàðó Series 10(USA)+áîíóñ
Âðåìÿ: 26.02.2007 11:42 

 ýòîò ôîðóì ìîãóò ïèñàòü òîëüêî çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûå ïîëüçîâàòåëè!