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[00404443] System.TObject.Dispatch + $13
[004792A8] Controls.TControl.WndProc + $188
[004917B2] Forms.TScrollingWinControl.AlignControls + $16
[004935DA] Forms.TCustomForm.AlignControls + $E
[00492B7F] Forms.TCustomForm.DoClose + $17
[004961C5] Forms.TCustomForm.Close + $55
[00495448] Forms.TCustomForm.WMClose + $0
[004792A8] Controls.TControl.WndProc + $188
[0051A7E2] TB2Hook.CallWndProcHook (Line 74, "TB2Hook.pas" + 15) + $12
[0047C307] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $157
[00493349] Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $421
[0047BF84] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[00429FC0] Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[00514102] TB97Cmn.CallWndProcHook (Line 101, "TB97Cmn.pas" + 15) + $12
[0047C3EB] Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler + $D7
[004947C6] Forms.TCustomForm.DefaultHandler + $5A
[0047D973] Controls.TWinControl.WMSysCommand + $9F
[00495529] Forms.TCustomForm.WMSysCommand + $55
[004792A8] Controls.TControl.WndProc + $188
[0051A974] TB2Hook.GetMessageHook (Line 106, "TB2Hook.pas" + 9) + $12
[0051A7E2] TB2Hook.CallWndProcHook (Line 74, "TB2Hook.pas" + 15) + $12
[0047C307] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $157
[00493349] Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $421
[0047BF84] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[00429FC0] Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[00514102] TB97Cmn.CallWndProcHook (Line 101, "TB97Cmn.pas" + 15) + $12
[0047C3EB] Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler + $D7
[004947C6] Forms.TCustomForm.DefaultHandler + $5A
[00479585] Controls.TControl.WMNCLButtonDown + $15
[00495259] Forms.TCustomForm.WMNCLButtonDown + $85
[004792A8] Controls.TControl.WndProc + $188
[0051A974] TB2Hook.GetMessageHook (Line 106, "TB2Hook.pas" + 9) + $12
[0047C307] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $157
[00493349] Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $421
[0047BF84] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[00429FC0] Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[0049977F] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $83
[004997B6] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A
[004999D6] Forms.TApplication.Run + $96
Òåìà: Re: Ìå÷òû Ñáûâàþòñÿ
Âðåìÿ: 27.01.2007 21:49 

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth


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Bugs - The Basics Of All Bethesda Games

- Auto save game date corruption. Continue function invalid or loads the
incorrect file. No method to remove temporary save game except through Xbox UI
(User Interface).

- Save game corruption once files are copied from Xbox hard drive to memory
card then to another hard drive.

- Escape From Innsmouth. Death of Ruth NPC prevents stage from clearing (dead
game). Unknown solve.

- Marsh Refinery. Ore buckets on bucket track inaccessible. Investigate bucket
track control a second time to bypass.

- Marsh Refinery. Cargo lift doors do not open during shoggoth attack even if
buttons are pressed, resulting in player death. Unknown solve.

- A Dangerous Voyage. Enemy clipped through bolted door leading down to
Captain's Quarters and save point, incurring death of vital NPC. Glitch not
repeated on subsequent trials.

- Air-filled Tunnels. Enemies do not patrol and remain on constant alert after
prison escape. Unknown solve but non-lethal.

- Air-filled Tunnels. Temple of Hydra gong constantly operating out of sync
with enemy respawns, necessitating a lengthy kill-session to re-sync gong
effect with enemy mind control effect. Reloading the game on subsequent trials
did not incur this glitch.

- Air-filled Tunnels. During final escape, environmental format wall catches
player despite taking shortest path. Glitch not repeated on subsequent trials.

Stealth - Noise and Movement

Movement and activity in CoC Dark Corners makes noise. While not as
spectacular as Thief, CoC Dark Corners has various noise levels but lack the
sophisticated indicators of Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. This means much of it
is reliant on your own actions. The loudest actions (apart from killing an
enemy or firing a gun) is running or landing on any surface. Ducking while
moving is akin to walking in Thief; quiet and visually speaking, makes you
harder to see and be shot at.

When stealth is achieved, it only affects noise output -- and if you are
ducking, a stance whereby you may engage enemies from cover. Stealth does not
invite proof against visual detection by enemies. Keep that in mind if you are
simply ducking and need to move around easily. Stealth does let you jump and
land softer, but simply standing means you're easily to spotted by enemies.
For all intents and purposes, when you want to move stealthily, duck and move.
When you have to jump onto something with enemies nearby, stealth and jump. At
all other times, use standing running, jumping and moving to get the best
performance from your character.

Duck-stealth (a.k.a., 'Winback Covert Operations') lets you fire from cover.
By adjusting the intensity of your joystick, you can peek as much or as little
from cover, take aim and plug he mo'fugger'chugger in the head with a well
forged bullet. When standing from a duck-stealth, you can unstealth and
immediately go into a running stance.

Wounds - Physical and Mental Injury

There are six states of physical injury: unhurt, light bleeding, heavy
bleeding, fractures, poison, and dead (self-explanatory). Each of the medical
items from medical boxes treats all injuries (except death, which requires a
trip to the Dreamlands, or a LIFE spell from Final Fantasy). On easy
difficulty, at least, it is possible for wounds suffering from heavy bleeding
to migrate to light bleeding. While you are wounded, physical health
deteriorates. Once you patch your wounds, your health recovers as indicative
of the ECG.

Bandage -- Cures light bleeding.

Splint -- Cures fractures.

Suture -- Cures heavy bleeding.

Antidote -- Cures poison.

If you are running low on sutures, you can wait for wounds suffering from
heavy bleeding to become to light bleeding; however, you will lose life while
waiting for your body to deal with the trauma. It is nevertheless a good idea
when facing one or two enemies -- bandages are more common than sutures (you
can hold more bandages than sutures). Naturally, avoiding injury is the best

Mental injury is more subtle. Since there are no sanity meters available
(i.e., Eternal Darkness), you can only rely on your visual and vibratory cues.
Not a bad idea, but not very game-able. Being subjected to high heights, a
multitude of malicious enemies, or other disturbing scenes will cut into your
sanity. A low sanity character with a loaded weapon will commit suicide,
ending your game instantly. The best thing to combat sanity -- apart from
avoiding obviously disturbing scenes -- is to wait for your vision to
stabilise by staying in a safe (or relatively safe) place or an Elder Sign
save point. Once your vision clears, your sanity has recovered sufficiently
for you to move on. Fighting many enemies or being near death will cut into
your sanity, making ambushes and sniping your main combat tactics. If you have
to fight many enemies, use the Thompson gun to quickly mow down enemies. Once
enemies are dead, they cease to threaten your sanity.

Weapons - Killing Monsters The Old Fashioned Way

Weapons are a last resort to a Mythos investigator, since preternatural
entities are not affected by anything like firearms or firearm bans (a.k.a.,
San Francisco's Proposition H). However, as 'Iron' mentions, firearms are
useful for making a very satisfactory hole in the High Priest of Some Shitty
Deity's skull and thus interrupt the summoning ceremony. Against the mortal
enemies in CoC Dark Corner's Innsmouth, weapons will be your primary means of
wasting them before they waste you. However, enemies do not drop ammo (which
is unrealistic) nor can you take their weapons (again, not realistic) and use
them. So killing enemies is treading a fine line between killing the
opposition and preserving ammo. Unless you have to backtrack through an area
(applies mostly to the final stage 'Air-filled Tunnels') you're often better
off running away and leaving enemies behind.

Wounds to an enemy's legs will supposedly impair their movement, meaning you
can cap a few half-breeds and flee to the next area. On normal and easy, it is
perhaps more satisfying to aim for their head and kill them instantly. While
Deep Ones (and a majority of lesser servitors) are tougher than humans, they
can be killed all the same. CoC Keepers no doubt have employed a hardware
fetish for many player-investigators who've developed a condition (esp. in DG
campaigns). Weapons can be fired aimed or from the hip. Firing from the hip is
less accurate, but less tiring to your arms. Aiming makes your shots more
accurate, but after a while, your arms tire and the aim will waver. Simply
lower the weapon for a split second to reset the waver timer and re-aim your
weapon to draw a good bead on your foes. When aiming, you move slower -- if
you're ducking and aiming, the movement rate is even more drastically cut.
Lastly, know that wounds to your character's arms will impair weapon aiming.

First found in Chapter 3 Jailbreak. This is your first weapon after escaping
death from the degenerate townfolk. It is on a retaining wall behind the
police station's alley. While it is similar to Dr. Freeman's weapon, it is far
less effective since it passes through enemies many times (a miss, but not
visually supported -- a crap job of programming from Head-First Studios). When
you are stealthed, the crowbar can kill an enemy instantly (easy or normal)
when you center the target head on the screen. The bludgeoning is rather
noisy, but against single unalerted enemies, you win almost every time.

First found in Chapter 6 Esoteric Order of Dagon. This is the perfect stealth
weapon, since you can aim this weapon and deliver a silent, one-hit stealth
kill to any unalerted enemy. The fact that Snake (Nekkid, Solid, Liquid,
Gaseous, Vapour, Plasma, Mineral, Compound, Amalgram, etc.) can't do this
means those games #### all ass, but that's not surprising, since they're from
Konami. The knife is also a good alternative for breaking glass in those
chapters you find one and as a general shanking weapon. Needless to say,
knives don't do well against non-human enemies -- impaling damage is often
negated by a Mythos creature's natural armour defences. Now, if you're able to
enchant the sum'bitch, then the knife might come in handy. The sacrifice of
POW for this purpose often does not make the effort of making a magic weapon
worth it however.

8 round magazine. Max ammo is 50. First found in Chapter 3 Jailbreak.
Available from various sources later. This is one of two firearms you find in
the police station, and is identical to the other handguns you find or are
given later. Game gun enthusiasts should look for the Colt 1911, although
modern investigators should opt for a SIG P220 (in .45 ACP). It's hitting
power is decent, but behaves like a peashooter against the crazy enemies in
CoC Dark Corners. Aim for the head and you will find you can drop an enemy in
as few as three shots. An enemy's alert state does not affect the damage of

6 round cylinder. Max ammo is 50. First found in Chapter 4 Escape From
Innsmouth. Available in various areas, depending on the difficulty level. The
revolver is simply a second small arm you can rely on. It's hitting power is
supposedly better (the 45 LR delivers slightly more power due to the longer
cartridge) but the damage is the same in the CoC weapon table. For all intents
and purposes, you treat this like a handgun. Switch between the handgun and
the revolver as you manage your ammunition. An enemy's alert state does not
affect the damage of firearms.

2 shells side by side. Max ammo is 30. First found in Chapter 3 Jailbreak.
This is the second firearm you find in the police station. Pump action
shotguns did not become terribly widespread in the United States until the
1950s. The shotgun is your up close and personal one-hit death weapon. Aimed
at the head, no Innsmouth tainted bastard can hope to survive from this
weapon. Hitting power at long range is negligible. To approximate the
effective range of this gun, locate the hostel manager Gilman while in
Innsmouth Square. Stand at the hostel's door and take a look at how far Gilman
is. That's the maximum range for your shotgun to do any damage (aimed).
Naturally, with two shots to spare, you cannot afford to miss with the shotgun
in combat against many enemies. An enemy's alert state does not affect the
damage of firearms.

5 round magazine. Max ammo is 30. First found in Chapter 5 The Marsh Refinery.
This weapon will serve you well if you find it. Although it cannot zoom like
the rifles in Medal Of Honor or Call of Duty, you can use it to put nasty
holes into enemies at medium range. It is the single most powerful weapon
available in terms of damage per shot. Three hits to the chest or one to the
head will usually kill most enemies. Regretably, the reloading is slow and the
limited magazine is an impediment to investigators used to carrying
clandestine compact machinepistols in DG cowboy operations. Take aim and use
the rifle as you like, but keep in mind ammo (not always the weapon) carries
over from chapter to chapter. An enemy's alert state does not affect the
damage of firearms.

Thompson Gun
50 round drum. Max ammo is 200. First found in Chapter 4 Escape From
Innsmouth. This is the weapon you want for close and medium range fights
against hordes of degenerate inbred hicks (i.e., 99% of GameFAQ's users).
Fired from the hip, the Thompson is the only solution for mass murder on the
scale of 101 California. Unlike the victims of that unfortunate incident, the
tainted residents of Innsmouth deserve to die. An enemy's alert state does not
affect the damage of firearms.

Yithian Lightning Cannon Model D
Infinite ammunition; unknown energy source. First found in Chapter 9 Air-
filled Tunnels. Students of Lovecraft will be quick to understand why the
title 'Dark Corners of the Earth' is so apt when one of these sum'bitches is
available. Unlike the camera shaped models of the A, B, or C designation, this
version of the lightning gun is adapted for human use and seems to have an
inexhaustable energy supply. It can be charged to fire a powerful shot or the
trigger pressed to fire a stream of slow but steady low-power bolts. The
maximum charge is indicated by the double flashing red lights on the side of
the weapon. Over-charging does not incur any danger but the weapon is powered
down temporarily. Needless to say, this is an electric emission source --
contact with water or other conductive materials when firing can be lethal to
friend and foe alike. Due to the alien nature of the device, AIM mode does not
apply to this weapon. CoC veterans can reference the stats for the A model
cannon in the CoC Core Rules. The B model's stats are given in Masks of
Nyarlethotep. Model C is held in a private collection and is not on public

Chapter 0 - Prologue to a Yithian Brain Raping

Enter house and explore the first few rooms. You can take the Pnakotica near
the beginning. Meet cultists on 2F and grab key 1. Open door to 1F dorms for
key 2. Go open door to 1F library and open floor trap door. Go through morgue
and activate machine. Grab green crystal and put it in time gate. Activate
time gate. Damn, that was fast.

Chapter 1 - A Visit To The Old Town

Walk around Innsmouth for clues. Save point at the hostel by the parked bus.
Go to the waterfront (near Marsh refinery), meet drunk Zadok Allen for
information. Speak with Rebecca Lawrence as well (hubba, hubba). When ready,
go to the back alley of First National store and stand-sneak behind patrolling
cop, sneak into the side alley for a save point, wait for cop to go the other
way and continue past the alley to the store's back door. Enter the store's
back and move the shelf to block the backdoor for later (hehehehe). Grab
health box inside first, then inspect the broken door for the wooden handle
and some liquor (for Zadok). Leave by using the floor trap door near the cash

Inside First National
Inspect the stock room for another medical kit and Brian's diary (clue). To
leave, push the stock room ladder to the broken wall to enter the next
building. This is the newspaper office. Head upstairs and take the pistol
ammo. Ammo is rare, so don't waste it when you have a gun later. The door to
leave is bolted shut. Note the tip when it appears. Bolted doors is how you
delay human enemies early and mid-way through the game, since Jack is a
dumbass and brought no handgun with him on a trip out of town. Enemies being
delayed and enemies coming at you quickly is life and death for an unarmed
white man in hick country.

Leave the newspaper office and meet the government man Mackey. Head back out
to the Washington Street alley and meet Zadok. Give him the liquor and listen
to the information. Those not familiar with Lovecraft's Shadow Over Innsmouth
will find it useful. Zadok doesn't deviate much from the drunk in Lovecraft's
narrative, but some minor game details are changed. The Waites for example,
are prominent participants in the game, but don't expect any freaky trans-
gender mind-swap crap. After the drunk, you get the poorhouse key. Head back
to the main square. On the way, you meet Rebecca. She shows you a save point --
Derleth's Elder Sign. These types of save points will ward off enemies, so
you can linger near a star-shaped save point if enemies are following and you
can club them to death.

The Poorhouse and Waite Residence
The poor house is another map but the entrance is near the hostel and the
parked bus. There's nothing much to prepare for but explore the area for local
colour. Head to the end of the first alley for the poorhouse's real entrance.
Head in and get disturbed. Grab the medical box past the old man and before
heading past the sleeping area to the third floor with the dead body. Head out
the third floor and down the fire escape to Dock Street. Locate a white door
and meet Ramona Waite for an enlightening scene. Mythos fans will want to over-
prepare, but you can't die here (yet). After meeting Ramona, you can enter the
house and inspect it, but head back outside and locate an open tunnel to the
another enlightening scene. Head back into the house and "check the place
out". Unbolt the door to the attic and watch the cut-scene.

You will be injured. Go into the inventory and use the bandages or your
character eventually weakens and dies. Before going back downstairs, inspect
the attic and take Thomas Waite's diary (clue). Head downstairs for more
information and Waite gives you the Variety Shop key. Afterwards, take
Ramana's Colouring Book (clue) then head outside and meet Rebecca in the
tunnel with the dead bodies. Enlightening. Enjoy Rebecca's company while you
can. It won't last long. Head back outside via the tunnel and consider saving
the game at the hostel.

The Variety Store
The next stop is the Variety Store. It's next to the tunnel you come out of.
Simply open the door in the back. Head inside and upstairs to find Ruth
Billingham. Talk to her and get more information as well as the couple's
photograph. You'll need this later. Cracking the safe is easy. The combination
(clockwise starting) is 2-6-1-2. Turn the other direction as soon as you hit
each number. Take the medical box in the store as well as the Book of Dagon.
Like the photo, you need it later. Consider saving the game once more at the
hostel before talking to Gilman, the innkeeper.

Should You Die Before You Wake
After you speak with Gilman and he leaves (temporarily), head past the counter
and take the back office key. Open the back office and take Gilman's Autopsy
Report (clue) inside and the shotgun shells. Head back outside and consider
saving once more. Following Gilman upstairs will start the end of the chapter,
but some preparations are needed. First off, leave the door from your room to
the next open, but lock-bolt both the doors from each room to the hallway.
Take a look at your surroundings to get familiar. The exit from this hostile
hostel is the side door in the abandoned room next to yours (behind a
bookcase). You will need to bolt all the doors to buy the time you need to
escape in the next chapter.

Chapter 2 - Attack Of The Fuccing Fishmen

Once the axes start falling, head into the second room next to yours and bolt
the door shut. Since you bolted the two doors, you can start by shoving the
book case aside in the second room to reveal a doorway to the third room. Bolt
the door behind you in the third room and push a book case to block the door
to the main hall in the third room. This gives you the time you need to push
aside the bookcase to reveal an window in the third room to escape (and pick
up a box of shotgun shells, if you're fast). Note that without stealth on, you
can strafe-push bookcases while facing the window or door you need to open to
save time. Jump across from the first building's balcony and to the building
on the other side.

On the second building, head through the door, close it behind you and push
the clock inside to block the door. Duck and move (stealth is not an issue for
now) quickly under the windows to avoid being shot to death. Turn left at the
end of the gauntlet for the next door. Head down one floor and enter the next
hallway, turn the corners past the screaming half-Deep One woman to locate a
window leading outside. Jump across to the other side and climb the ladder. At
the top of the fire escape ladder, walk across the plank to a short landing --
quickly evade the pursuing half-Deep Ones and take a second ladder (on the
left) to the rooftop of the warehouse. On the warehouse roof, follow the glass
panels to a hole on the roof. Climb down the ladder carefully and before
jumping to the Elder Sign save point, head along the upper catwalk to nab a
medical box. If enemies see you, grab the box anyway and head for the Elder
Sign save point -- they cannot follow you there.

Inside the Warehouse
Save the game here if you did exceptionally well (not shot, grabbed some
ammo). Otherwise, consider getting killed and re-doing the escape. There are a
lot of items here you can save for later, and it is a shame to waste it here.
Stealth was discussed earlier when you tried to break into the First National
store, but here is Call of Cthulhu's stealth system. Rapid movement, jumping,
landing, weapon fire or reloading will trigger noise. Noise attracts enemies
(human or otherwise). Stealth movement is done (standing) by clicking the
stealth toggle. This lets you move slowly and silently while standing. If you
duck in stealth mode, you can't move, but you can peek over or around objects.
Ducking makes you harder to see (stealth or not stealth). Ducking and moving
slowly is sometimes acceptable since if you can only move stealthily while
standing (makes you easier to see). On the scope of falling and landing,
ducking and falling off is quieter than standing and falling off. Lastly,
jumping is only done by standing (stealthed or not). Jumping is loud and messy
(unless you're stealthed) so stealth, then jump if you're trying to get on top
of boxes while enemies are next to you.

Head out around the boxes and watch for the enemy. The enemy moving has a
flashlight. He spots you after shining his flashlight if you move out. Wait
for him to move (or after he talks to his partner) with his back towards you
before going for the set of boxes on the side of the warehouse. Just like in
Thief, patience pays. Wait behind the boxes next to the stationary enemy and
when the moving guy makes a speech again, move along (ducking non-stealthed)
to the next set of boxes. Wait for the flashlight to turn off and then stand,
stealth and move over to the boxes in the corner. Jump onto the boxes
(stealthed), unstealth and duck. Move to the boxes on the side and exit the
warehouse through the open window.

If spotted, make haste to the window and duck near the warehouse wall. No
other enemies are present on the roof. Head to the air vent and drop in. Save
if you like. The next part involves some keen and fast thinking between moving
ducking, running and moving stealthily while standing. The vision shows you a
hole in the floor that is the exit for this section. You need to get to it
without being killed or losing too much health. While ducking, drop from the
vent and stay ducking. Drop off the boxes near the stairs and move underneath
them. Avoiding enemies is key here. From under the stairs, move to the boxes
across. From there, move around the boxes and keep them on your left to find
the hole. Drop into the hole (ducking) and go under the floorboards to the
accountant's office. The next step (after saving) is to leave the warehouse of
death through the open front doors.

Save in the accountant's room and take the medical box. Exit the room and
don't alert anyone or more enemies respawn. Follow the path down and around
the boxes (ducking) stop when you see an opening and stop again when you see
the hole you dropped into earlier and wait for a clear window to go past the
patrolling enemy. Stop by the boxes in the corner (still ducking, non-stealth)
and wait for another clear opening to the next set of boxes. You should be
able to see the open doors (exit) from the boxes in the corner.

To the Streets
Leaving the warehouse is dangerous. You should be aware that there are enemies
outside to the left and right -- the exit is to the right of the warehouse's
open doors. It is the tunnel leading to a side alley. Go through the area
quietly or quickly -- if spotted, you can jump onto some boxes that show up in
a small alley. Jump down into the fenced off area and wait. The enemies will
slowly return to normal and you can go about sneaking again. Not terribly
great, but effective. Past the first fenced off area is another enemy
patrolling a deadend. Locate a second tunnel to duck into and be quiet. An
enemy will be patrolling past the second tunnel and stops mid-way up the
alley. Hide in the entryway to the second tunnel and follow (standing stealth,
so you can jump) the enemy down the alley. There are boxes and an overturned
cart at the end of the alley. Stealth-jump over the cart tongue and hide
behind the boxes until the enemy turns away and lets you go past him to a safe
building. The screaming will alert you about where the safe building is.
There's a save spot where the dead body is.

Save in the building here. The next part is not about stealth, but speed. Go
out the building and head right (up) the street to the parked meat truck.
Quickly knock off the wheel block under the wheel, then go up the butcher shop
landing and hop into the back of the truck. If you miss, reload your game.
This is the only way into the sewer filtration plant.

Into the Sewers
After the truck crashes, head for the right lit alcove and pick up the sturdy
metal bar. The obvious thing is to use the bar on the fan to escape. Face the
fan's hub square on to use the bar from the inventory. Once the fan is broken,
duck and wait for the opening or you get cacked just like in ...
Èãðàþ â îðêåñòðå ïîä óïðàâëåíèì Äæåêà Äåíèåëñà
Òåìà: Re: Ìå÷òû Ñáûâàþòñÿ
Âðåìÿ: 04.02.2007 22:47 

Êòî êàê äóìàåò? Ýòî ðàçâîä èëè íåò?
Òåìà: Re: Ìå÷òû Ñáûâàþòñÿ
Âðåìÿ: 04.02.2007 23:39 

è íàñòóïèò âðåìÿ Ëîñîñü.
 ýòîò ôîðóì ìîãóò ïèñàòü òîëüêî çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûå ïîëüçîâàòåëè!