Àâòîð | Òåìà: Not a fantastic drummer is looking for a good band. | Âðåìÿ: 27.02.2010 19:06 | ||
Ãèòàðà\Âîêàë |
A good enough drumer is looking for a good newbie band. I want to find people who want to work, and to progress. I'm not so skilled in drummin' as Joey Jordison, but I'm gonna work it out))) Unfortunately, I selled my drums about a year ago and did played since then. But now I want to find good friens to chill out. I like heavy music, but its not critical, music must be just beautifull. Send me a mail with a demo, if you think its really interesting. Hmmm... English 5+, and texts in this language are also criteria. Waiting for luck))) mail: beast-04@yandex.ru , named- Roman) |
Àáñîëþòíî âñå îòíîñèòåëüíî...Äàæå âå÷íîñòü...
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Not a fantastic drummer is looking for a good band.
Âðåìÿ: 28.02.2010 01:02 |
ìîñêâà ìóëüòèèíñòðóìåíòà... |
if you could only do the vocals..%) | |
Ïîäëåöó âñå ê ëèöó
https://soundcloud.com/anstandig/tracks |
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Not a fantastic drummer is looking for a good band.
Âðåìÿ: 28.02.2010 12:16 |
Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã Burny Thunderbird |
...then it would be an Eng-singing man-based parody of Ranetki. lol. | |
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Not a fantastic drummer is looking for a good band.
Âðåìÿ: 17.03.2010 20:18 |
msc guitar |
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Not a fantastic drummer is looking for a good band.
Âðåìÿ: 18.08.2010 16:21 |
Ìîñêâà |
B ìîñêîâñêóþ ãðóïïó Inevitability of a Choice(technical beatdown\\deathcore\\progressive) Òðåáóåòñÿ äðàììåð Îñíîâíûé òðåáîâàíèÿ: 1. Âîçðàñò îò 18 ëåò; 2. Íàëè÷èå óñòàíîâêè èëè ïåäîâ äîìà äëÿ òðåíèðîâêè ïðèâåòñòâóåöà, òàêæå æåëàòåëüíî èìåòü êàðäàí è æåëåçî 3. îïûò èãðû îò 1,5 ãîäà 4. Óìåíèå ðàáîòàòü â gtp (èëè â äðóãèõ ðåäàêòîðàõ ïîääåðæèâàþùèõ *.gp ôîðìàòû). 5. Ïëàòåæåñïîñîáíîñòü è îòâåòñòâåííîñòü. 6. Íàëè÷èå ñâîáîäíîãî âðåìåíè íà 2 ðåïåòèöèè â íåäåëþ(è â ÷àñòíîñòè ñåé÷àñ ëåòîì) 7. Àäåêâàòíîñòü, õîòÿ áû ýëåìåíòàðíîå çíàíèå ìóçûêàëüíîé ãðàìîòû ïðèìåð íàøåãî òâîð÷åñòâà ïîäðîáíîñòè 577957735 èëè |
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Not a fantastic drummer is looking for a good band.
Âðåìÿ: 02.11.2010 17:04 |
hey buddy,check these out and if you like tem,write me |