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Ôîðóì òåêñòîâèêîâ

Çàäàòü íîâóþ òåìó
Òåìà: purposive depression
Âðåìÿ: 08.03.2007 20:51 

áëåê èëè äåàòõ, òîëüêî ãðîóëîì,áûûûñòðîîî.....

"purposive depression"
too sane whimsey will split the ignore.
bury the image of the perfect lore.
crying, undying purposive depression.
smiling and studying a new passion.

passive desires create the disturbance.
permanent life-rules are held to inobservance.

crying, undying purposive depression.
smiling and studying a new passion.
holistic holiness in every mind stuck.
you are not better its just your luck.

passive desires create the disturbance.
permanent life-rules are held to inobservance.
 ýòîò ôîðóì ìîãóò ïèñàòü òîëüêî çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûå ïîëüçîâàòåëè!