Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Your Sick Imagination
Âðåìÿ: 12.01.2007 14:49 |
-"your sick imagination"- so much time to wait this night, so much ways to kill that time. so much lies to hear right now, but no pain to feel in heart. shut the #### up, and lie will become true. shut the #### up, and die without smile. shut the #### up, and white will become black. shut the #### up, just kill me one more time. this is your sick imagination. this is my life slickin without breaks. this is your mind blowin on pieces. this is my way to destroy created. where is my life going away to where is the time we killed behind us. just leave to the place that no one finds, and trust my voice like i trust my hate. |
Àâòîð |
Âðåìÿ: 12.01.2007 15:02 |
Óâàæàåìûé SHINJITSU, ïîæàëóéñòà, ïèøèòå íàçâàíèÿ òåì ïðîïèñíûìè áóêâàìè, íå êðè÷èòå íà ëþäåé. Âû íàðóøàåòå ïðàâèëà ôîðóìà. Ñ óâàæåíèåì, ìîäåðàòîð. |
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Your Sick Imagination
Âðåìÿ: 12.01.2007 15:12 |
õåõå, çàáàâíàÿ áóãàãà, à ñ #### äàæå ïðèêîëüíåå |
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Your Sick Imagination
Âðåìÿ: 15.01.2007 16:55 |
SHINJITSU, äåéñòâèòåëüíî, ÷òî çà ãëþê? Çäåñü âðîäå ñòèõè èëè òåêñòû ïåñåí âûêëàäûâàþò, ïî-êðàéíåé ìåðå ÷òî-òî ðèôìîâàííîå | |