Âû íå çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíû Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ | Ïîèñê | Âîéòè

Ôîðóì òåêñòîâèêîâ

Çàäàòü íîâóþ òåìó
Òåìà: Wings.
Âðåìÿ: 15.05.2012 18:09 

What the hell??!
Tell me: where is your
huge and mighty wings ?

Where is your wings ?! 1.

Hey, baby! when i met you - you was so strong and bright!
And everyone who wanna get you - get tornados ####ing fight!

But time is gone - you broke your bone,
and you became the same like everyone around...

Baby! I miss about your wings! Bring back it! I wish the world to touch - and screams!
A loud - happinesses times! Get back to work - your Havens waiting for

fun! fun, fun! Havens waiting fun!

fun! fun, fun! Havens waiting fun!( x 3) 2.
So, you - the view, i feel the flame - the light inside of you,
i see the wings, i see the blame - "this world is needing in cure".
One step - you stand up, feel the shake - "old world prepare for die..."
Who said: "one angel - not so scared?" - "Let's rock! It's time to save the world!

The demons will depart! Let's fight! Fight! Fight! Angel wanna fight!"

Fight!Fight!Fight! Angel wanna fight! (x 3)

Baby! I really missed about your wings!
You got it back - don't lose it anymore! Well, please!
The light and life - you born for save this world, so don't look down!
Be strong and get some fun!

Fun, fun, fun! You had a loud fun! (õ 4)
Òåìà: Re: Wings.
Âðåìÿ: 15.05.2012 18:10 

ñëóøàòü òðåê :
Òåìà: Re: Wings.
Âðåìÿ: 15.05.2012 18:20 
Âëàäèìèðñêàÿ Ðóñü

Ãðàôèê , áåç îáèä. Ãðàììàòèêó ïîäó÷è íåìíîãî....

You was...
Where is your wings....

Ni v kakiye vorota ne lezet....
"ÿ àëëåêà ëþáëþ... ïðàâèòü" (Ñ)
Òåìà: Re: Wings.
Âðåìÿ: 15.05.2012 18:27 

Vitus , òà ÿ íå îáèæàþñü ;) . ãëàâíîå, ÷òîáû ñëóøàòåëü ñìûñåë óëîâèë :idea2:

êñòàòè: "wings" - ýòî õîòü è ïàðà, íî "îäíî öåëîå", òàê ñêàçàòü. Èñêëþ÷åíèå èç ïðàâèë â ñîâðåìåííîì àíãëèéñêîì, åñëè òû íå â êóðñå :)
Òåìà: Re: Wings.
Âðåìÿ: 15.05.2012 18:30 
Âëàäèìèðñêàÿ Ðóñü

>Vitus , òà ÿ íå îáèæàþñü . ãëàâíîå, ÷òîáû ñëóøàòåëü ñìûñåë óëîâèë
>êñòàòè: "wings" - ýòî õîòü è ïàðà, íî "îäíî öåëîå", òàê ñêàçàòü. Èñêëþ÷åíèå èç ïðàâèë â ñîâðåìåííîì àíãëèéñêîì, åñëè òû íå â êóðñå

Ìîæåò áûòü....ÿ ñî ñâîèì òåõíè÷åñêèì îò æèçíè îòñòàþ.
"ÿ àëëåêà ëþáëþ... ïðàâèòü" (Ñ)
Òåìà: Re: Wings.
Âðåìÿ: 15.05.2012 18:33 

Vitus , ÿ ñíà÷àëà ïèøó òåêñò, ïîòîì êèäàþ åãî â ãóãëîâñêèé ïåðåâîä÷èê - è, åñëè ìàøèíà âûäà¸ò ôèãíþ êàêóþ-òî - ÿ å¸ ïóáëèêóþ. :lol: Òàê ÷òî ìíå ñòûäèòüñÿ íå÷åãî: åñëè ÷¸ - "ýòî ãóãë". :dance1:
Òåìà: Re: Wings.
Âðåìÿ: 15.05.2012 18:35 
Âëàäèìèðñêàÿ Ðóñü

>Vitus , ÿ ñíà÷àëà ïèøó òåêñò, ïîòîì êèäàþ åãî â ãóãëîâñêèé ïåðåâîä÷èê - è, åñëè ìàøèíà âûäà¸ò ôèãíþ êàêóþ-òî - ÿ å¸ ïóáëèêóþ. Òàê ÷òî ìíå ñòûäèòüñÿ íå÷åãî: åñëè ÷¸ - "ýòî ãóãë".

Google Translate? íó.....ýòî ìíîãîå îáúÿñíÿåò.
"ÿ àëëåêà ëþáëþ... ïðàâèòü" (Ñ)
Òåìà: Re: Wings.
Âðåìÿ: 15.05.2012 18:38 

:lol: àãà, ÿ è òåáå ñîîáùåíèÿ ÷åðåç ãóãë-òðàíñëàòå îòïðàâëÿþ
Òåìà: Re: Wings.
Âðåìÿ: 15.05.2012 23:45 

(èñïðàâëåííûé âàðèàíò òåêñòà):

What the hell??!
Tell me, where are your
huge and mighty wings ?

Where are your wings ?!


Hey, baby! when I met you - you were so strong and bright!
And everyone who wanna get you - get tornados f*cking fight!

But time is gone - you broke your bone,
and you became the same as everyone around...

Baby ! I miss about your wings! Bring them back!
I wish to touch the world and scream
a loud: "happiness - it's time!"
Get back to work - your Heaven's waiting for fun!

Fun, fun, fun! Heaven waits for fun!

Fun! fun, fun! Heaven waits for fun! ( x 3)

You changed yourself, i feel the flame - the light inside of you,
i see the wings, you see the blame - "this world is needing in cure".
One step - you stand up, feel the shake - "old world prepares to die..."
Who said: "one angel - not so scared?" - "Let's rock! It's time to save the world!

The demons should be to depart! Let's fight! Fight! Fight! Angel wanna fight!"

Fight!Fight!Fight! Angel wanna fight! (x 3)

Baby! I really misse about your wings!
You got it (them?) back - don't lose it (them?) anymore! Well, please!
The light and life - you born for save this world, so don't look down!
Be strong and get some fun!

Fun, fun, fun! You have a lot of fun!
 ýòîò ôîðóì ìîãóò ïèñàòü òîëüêî çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûå ïîëüçîâàòåëè!