Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Greco Lespole Custom (set neck) 1989
Âðåìÿ: 06.04.2006 10:50 |
Óâàæàåìûé, Òàíàêà! Î÷åíü ìàëî èíôîðìàöèè ïî ãèòàðàì, êîòîðûå Âû ïðåäëàãàåòå. Ìîæåò åñòü ñìûñë ïîäðîáíåå î íèõ ïèñàòü è óêàçûâàòü öåíó, òîãäà íå áóäåò ëèøíèõ âîïðîñîâ. Èíòåðåñåí âîò ýòîò èíñòðóìåíò: äåðåâî, äàò÷èêè, öåíà. http://www.musicforums.ru/banners/shops/japan/image41.jpeg?1144077358 |
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Greco Lespole Custom (set neck) 1989
Âðåìÿ: 06.04.2006 12:23 |
Actually, Greco in this age is very difficult to know that model and materials. This guitar is made in 1989 or in the beginning of 90's. I try to know model and material. On the other hand, 70's and 80's are easy to know model and materials. Now guitar is in russian custom office. I can receive this guitar today or tomorrow. I will check after I get it. Tanaka 8-916-659-2837 |