Àâòîð | Òåìà: Fresher Explorer FX-700 Japan |
Âðåìÿ: 17.05.2008 08:00 |
Ðîññèÿ Ãèòàðà |
Èíñòðóìåíò ïðàêòè÷åñêè â íîâîì ñîñòîÿíèè,ýòèì âñå ñêàçàíî. ÔÎÒÎ ïîëíûå Âñå ñàìîå ëó÷øåå îò Äæåêñîí+Òîêàé â îäíîé ãèòàðå. íå äåøåâîé ñåðèè. Âêëååíûé ãðèô. Ìîùíåéøèå äàò÷èêè  áðèäæå Ñåéìîð Äóíêàí USA In the early Eighties Fresher introduced another wonderful guitars which it advertised as being designed for the year 2001, the FX-700. This was a very angular Explorer with sharp points at each angle. It was done up in black with natty red binding, including on the fingerboard, which also had red dots. This had a locking vibrato system that looked like a Kahler and a pair of humbuckers with exposed staple pole pieces, threeway, volume and tone. Ïðî ñàìó ãèòàðó Ïðî ôèðìó Ñ ãèòàðîé èäåò òåïëûé ÷åõîë èç êîæåçàìà. Êîíòàêòû sdp0t@mail.ru ICQ 462700171 Óêàçûâàéòå ñâîé ãîðîä! |