Àâòîð | Òåìà: ïðîäàì Greco SG |
Âðåìÿ: 23.02.2015 23:52 |
Ìîñêâà âàëòîðíà |
Ïðîäàì îòëè÷íóþ ãèòàðó Greco SG íà÷àëà 70-õ. Çâó÷èò è âûãëÿäèò êàê íàäî. Åñòü äëÿ ñðàâíåíèÿ gibson SG special, òàê çâóê íè÷åì íå óñòóïàåò. Ðàññìîòðþ âàðèàíòû îáìåíà. Åñëè î÷åíü íàäî, ìîãó âûñëàòü êóäà óãîäíî. Óïàêóþ â ëó÷øåì âèäå. Ìîãó ïðèâåçòè ïîñëóøàòü äîìîé èëè íà ðåï áàçó. blueeyed@bk.ru 926-575-87-36 Ïîäðîáíåå ïðî ãîä - In the early 1970s Kanda Shokai marketed Greco Gibson-like models, but with bolt-on necks rather than the set necks of genuine Gibson guitars. These were very similar to the Ibanez Gibson-like models available at that time and most of these models had a Greco logo that looked more like "Gneco". By the mid/late 1970s most Greco Gibson-like models were being made with set necks and open book Gibson headstock designs. Some other Greco Gibson-like models from the 1970s had a different headstock design, more like a Guild headstock design, that had a Greco logo with equally sized letters. |