Àâòîð | Òåìà: ïðîäàì Ïðîäà¸òñÿ WARR Guitar 14 ñòðóí |
Âðåìÿ: 21.07.2010 03:14 |
![]() ![]() |
Ïðîäàþ WARR GUITAR 14 ñòðóí, 7-ìè ñòðóííûé áàñ è 7-ìè ñòðóííàÿ ãèòàðà, MIDI, Piezo, ÑÎÂÅÐØÅÍÍÛÉ ÝÊÑÊËÞÇÈÂ!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Çâîíèòü ïî òåë.: +7 (495) 623-62-12 ñ 10 äî 18 ÷àñîâ. +7 (926) 022-99-59 â ëþáîå âðåìÿ. Ïèñàòü pervomu@mediaznaki.ru Äìèòðèé. |
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Ïðîäà¸òñÿ WARR Guitar 14 ñòðóí
Âðåìÿ: 23.07.2010 17:46 |
Ìîñêâà ÌîÉ ðÎò ÓñÝõ ÏàÐâ¨ò ![]() ![]() |
à êàê èãðàòü òî íà íåì? | |
Ãëàâíûé ïîäàðîê - ÷òîá íå-ïåö-äå-ëà æåíà, êîãäà äîìîé ïðèíîøó î÷åðåäíóþ ïàëêó èëè êîðîáî÷êó (ñ)
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Ïðîäà¸òñÿ WARR Guitar 14 ñòðóí
Âðåìÿ: 23.07.2010 19:36 |
SPb åñòü ![]() |
äà, íåïëîõî áû íà âèäåî ïîñìîòðåòü èãðó íà òàêîì ÷óäå ![]() |
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Ïðîäà¸òñÿ WARR Guitar 14 ñòðóí
Âðåìÿ: 23.07.2010 22:58 |
![]() ![]() |
ßðêèé ïðåäñòàâèòåëü Trey Gunn (ex-King Crimson) | |
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Ïðîäà¸òñÿ WARR Guitar 14 ñòðóí
Âðåìÿ: 24.07.2010 02:32 |
SPb åñòü ![]() |
âïå÷àòëÿþò - è Òðåé, è ãèòàðà ![]() |
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Ïðîäà¸òñÿ WARR Guitar 14 ñòðóí
Âðåìÿ: 11.08.2010 19:17 |
Ìîñêâà Gibson LP CS, Tune Zi-3 Custom Bass ![]() ![]() ![]() |
íà íåé èãðàòü íèíàäà, åå íà ñòåíêó ïîâåñèòü, íàïèñàíî æå - êîëëåêöèîííàÿ)))) àï òåáå, òîâàðèñ÷) |
Êîãäà êòî-òî ïàäàåò è íè÷åãî ñåáå íå ëîìàåò - â ìèðå ãðóñòèò îäèí òðàâìàòîëîã.
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Ïðîäà¸òñÿ WARR Guitar 14 ñòðóí
Âðåìÿ: 03.02.2011 00:58 |
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Êñòàòè, Òðåé Ãàíí ïðåäëàãàåò âàì ïðîäàòü ýòó ãèòàðó è çàïëàòèòü åìó, íàêîíåö, ãîíîðàð! Dmitry Iskhakov, Our patience with you has now worn out. Let us review our situation: 1. You agreed to bring Pat and I to Russia (as TU) for a series of shows for a set fee per show. In the end, this came out to be two shows. 2. You agreed to pay us 50% of the money upfront and told us you would give us the rest in cash upon arriving at the Moscow airport. 3. You agreed to cover our travel and hotel expenses. Including excess baggage costs -- which we calculated out for you to nearly the exact dollar. 4. The agreement with A. Cheparukhin, Greenwave and Phillip Page of KTU, was that you split the costs of our airplane tickets, with your share being 50% of the costs. As of this date you have honored none of these commitments. Save for giving us a partial portion of the fee. Some details: You have consistently told us that the money is coming. And you have been consistent by never delivering it -- throughout our whole trip in Russia and even now, two months after leaving your country. When we first arrived in Moscow, you had no cash for us. You told us we would get it the next day when we arrived in Vladivostok. We did not get it the next day. Nor the next. Nor the day after that. Every day we were told the cash would either be put into our hands, or we were told you were going to be wiring it into our bank accounts at home. This never happened. Eventually we left Russia with the promise that the money was being wired as we spoke. No money. And upon getting home, we were still told that the wires were coming. Nothing. Never. We have been told about 7 times of wires that would be arriving, since my we have gotten home. Mind you, YOU never responded to any of our emails. Your assistant Dmitry was the only person who was helping us by communicating to you, and passing to us your messages that "$2000 would be wired to this account on this day", or "the full sum is now being wired to Trey's account", and so on. Regarding expenses. Do to your hustling of, both, Cheparukhin and Phillip Page about splitting the costs of our airplane tickets, you were able to negotiate only paying for 50% of our travel into and out of Russia. We all eventually agreed that this was fair. But only if you paid your 50%! This has not happen. Both Pat and I fronted the costs of the tickets from our own pockets. AND, I paid Phillip Page for the costs of the other 50% out of my own pocket because you were going to be delivering this money to me the next day. This next day never came. The absurdity continues: 1. Prior to coming to Russia, Pat and I explained to you how much excess baggage we had. Exact weight per item and the exact number of bags. We even researched Aeroflot's charges for this and gave you exact numbers of what these charges would be. Yet, when we were leaving Vladivostok you seemed shocked that the costs were what they were. In fact, YOU DIDN"T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO COVER THE COSTS. You had to borrow $400 back from me, from our fee at Vlodivostok to pay these costs. I was told I would get the money back the next day. 2. When you sent us to Ekaterinburg with Dmitry Globa-Mikhailenko, you gave him NO MONEY to pay our excess baggage. Also he had been given no credit card. I paid the charges myself, so we wouldn't miss our plane. 3. When we were ready to check out of the Moscow hotel, in order to fly to Perm for the show with KTU, you never showed up to pay the hotel bill. Your excuse was that you were at the bank, right at that moment, wiring us the full sum of our money. (No, you did not wire us the money.) In order to not miss our flight, Pat had to pay the hotel bill. Why? Because the hotel was holding our passports hostage for the bill. - - - The stories go on and on but we don't intend to bore you, or every one else copied on this email, any further. The point has been made. You currently owe us $3818 and it has been two months since we have left Russia. At the end of the day, it just isn't that much money for you to hand over. Actually, it IS a lot considering, at this point, all of it will be going to pay our credit card bills in order to cover your expenses. And it irritates and confounds us that you have a Warr Guitar sitting in your office that is worth more than this sum. Sell your ####ing Warr Guitar and pay us off! Trey Gunn Pat Mastelotto NOTE: Any forwarding-on of this email is approved by both of us. ____ Trey Gunn 7d Media www.treygunn.com www.7dmedia.com |