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Òåìà: Extra Life
Âðåìÿ: 31.05.2010 02:34 

Tokai Stratocaster, Somer XXL, Fender Blues Junior

Êàê-òî îäèí ìîé õîðîøèé òîâàðèù, Ãåðìàí, óâëåêàþùèéñÿ äîâîëüíî ñâîåîáðàçíîé ìóçûêîé /(Derek Bailey, Kevin Hufnagel, Iannis Xenakis, Disrythmia èòä è òï)/, çàíèìàþùèéñÿ êîìïîçèòîðñêîé ìóçûêîé è èãðàþùèé â experimantal-math-rock êîìàíäå, âêóñèâøèé "çàïðåòíûé ïëîä". Ìû âñåãäà èìåííî òàê ýòî íàçûâàëè, óéòè â ãëóáèíó ïîíÿòèÿ ìóçûêè - "âêóñèòü çàïðåòíûé ïëîä". Èòàê, Ãåðìàí, ïîñîâåòîâàë ìíå ïîñëóøàòü ãðóïïó ïîä íàçâàíèåì Extra Life. Ýòî áûëî íåñêîëüêî ëåò, îí ìåíÿ ïîçíàêîìèë ñ íèìè ñ ïîìîùüþ ðîëèêîâ íà youtube. Ìíå òîãäà ñëóøàþùåìó âñÿêóþ äåðüìîâóþ ìóçûêó, íå âàæíî êàêóþ, ãëàâíîå íå "êàòÿùóþ". Âîáùåì, ìåíÿ Extra Life íå öåïàíóëè, ïîêàçàëèñü ñëèøêîì êàêèì-òî "íå ïîíÿòíûìè" è íå èíòåðåñíûìè, ðàíüøå ïîíÿòèÿ è êðèòåðèè "èíòåðåñíîñòè" ó ìåíÿ áûëè íåñêîëüêî èíûìè ÷åì òåïåðü. È ÿ ñêàçàë åìó, ÷òî âñ¸ ýòî#######êàêîå-òî))) È ÷òî òîëüêî îí ïîäîáíóþ ìóçûêó ñëóøàåò è òä. Èòîã - ÿ íå ñòàë ñëóøàòü Extra Life è çàáûë ïðî íèõ äî íåäàâíåé ïîðû. À "íåäàâíÿÿ ïîðà" íà÷àëñü ñ òåõ ïîð, êîãäà ÿ ñîçíàòåëüíî ïåðåøàãíóë ñ îäíîãî ýòàïà íà äðóãîé, ÷òî áû âû íå ïîäóìàëè ÷åãî - ýòî îçíà÷àåò ïîìåíÿòü ñâîþ òî÷êó çðåíèÿ íà æèçíü è îêðóæàþùèå ñîáûòèÿ, âåùè. Æèçíü íåìíîæêî ïîìåíÿëàñü è òä; ó ìåíÿ ïîëó÷èëîñü ñîáðàòü, äàâíî æåëàííóþ ãðóïïó, êîòîðàÿ íà÷àëà ðåïåòèðîâàòü è èãðàòü ìóçûêó íà ñòûêå æàíðîâ, â îñíîâíîì noise-rock (The Psychic Paramount, NoMeansNo, Fun, Jesus Lizard, Kourgane, Vaz, U.S. Maple, Owbow...).... Î ÷åì ýòî ÿ?? ... Àõ, äà... Íó è âîáùåì ýòî áûëà áû ëó÷øàÿ àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ðàäèêàëüíàÿ êîìàíäà Ìîñêâû, åñëè áû îíà, ò.å. ìû íå ðàñïàëèñü ïîñëå äâóõ ìåñÿöåâ ðåïåòèöèé;) ïî ïðè÷èíå òîãî, ÷òî áàðàáàíùèê "óñòàë îò íàâîðîòîâ â íàøåé ìóçûêå, å¸ íå çàêîí÷åííîñòè è äîëãîãî ðàçáîðà êîìïîçèöèé. Èòàê - ê Extra Life. Âîáùåì, Ãåðìàí ìíå äàë ñêà÷àòü íîâûé àëüáîì Extra Life. ß çàêà÷àë åãî ñåáå â ïëååð è ïîåõàë âå÷åðîì, ìîêðûì îñåííèì âå÷åðîì â Êóçüìèíêè, íåêîãäà ìíå ðîäíûå, ðîäíûå äëÿ ìåíÿ íàâñåãäà, îïëîò ìîåãî äåòñâà. ß ø¸ë è ñëóøàë äåéñòâèòåëüíî ýêñòðåííûé ïî çâó÷àíèþ àëüáîì... ß ïîíèìàë, ÷òî äî ñèõ ïîð ÿ íå ñëûøàë íè÷åãî ïîäîáíîãî, äàæå òîëèêó íàïîìèíàþùåãî ìíå Extra Life. ß äàæå íå áóäó ýòî ñ ÷åì ëèáî ñðàâíèâàòü è ñæèìàòü èõ ìóçûêó äî êàêèõ-òî ñëîæèâøõñÿ ñòåðåîòèïîâ è êëèøå. ß ïðîñòî ïîñîâåòóþ âàì èõ ïîñëóøàòü. È åùå ìàëåíüêîå îòñòóïëåíèå íàïðÿìóþ ñâÿçàííîå ñ Extra Life. Íå äàâíî ÿ ïîçíàêîìèëñÿ ñ ÷óâàêîì, âåíãðîì Òàìàøåì. ×óâàê íåâåðîÿòíî ïðîøàðåííûé ïî ìóçûêå, ñ âåñüìà îôèãåííûì âêóñîì. Ñ íèì ìû áóäåì èãðàòü â äâå àêóñòèêè èìïðîâèçàöèîííóþ ìóçûêó, êîãäà îí âåðí¸òñÿ îñåíüþ èç Âåíãðèè íà íîâûé ó÷åáíûé ãîä â ÌÃÓ. Êîãäà Òàìàø ïîñëóøàë Extra Life, êàê îí ìíå ñàì ñêàçàë - îí ïðîñòî âëþáèëñÿ â íèõ, â èõ çâó÷àíèå, àòìîñôåðó êîòîðóþ îíè ñîçäàþò, â âîêàë èõ ãëàâíîãî ìýíà, êîòîðûé ïî¸ò êàê â ñðåäíèå âåêà, îí ñòàâèë ñïåöèàëüíî âîêàë, êàê ñðåäíåâåêîâîé ìóçûêå. Áîëüøå íè÷åãî ïèñàòü íå áóäó. Ññûëîê äàâàòü òîæå, óæ èçâèíèòå, ïðîñòî, êîãî çàèíòåðåñóþò ýòà ãðóïïà, ïîíÿâ ÷òî-òî èç ìîåãî òåêñòà, òîò ñàì íàéä¸ò âñþ èíôîðìàöèþ î ãðóïïå è ñêà÷àåò è ïîñëóøàåò àëüáîìû è î###åò, åñëè ñïîñîáåí ïîíÿòü òàêóþ ìóçûêó. ÑÏàñèáî. Âñ¸.
Òåìà: Extra Life "Secular Works" 2008
Âðåìÿ: 31.05.2010 03:29 

Tokai Stratocaster, Somer XXL, Fender Blues Junior

ñêà÷àòü àëüáîì++++

Extra Life - "I Don't See It That Way" (Secular Works)

Every so often there's a record so accomplished that it makes most albums of its type sound ridiculous, and Secular Works is one of those. Extra Life's frontman Charlie Looker (who, in the interest of full disclosure, I briefly played with in Anthony Braxton's ensemble at Wesleyan University, although I've only talked to Looker a few times) has been involved with a number of interesting projects, including Dirty Projectors and the brilliant notated-noise ensemble Zs. One of Looker's lesser-known groups is a duo with guitarist Matt Hough called Seductive Sprigs, which lists as its influences "the Middle Ages, the 1980s and the future."

Substitute "math rock" for "the 1980s," and that's a pretty good desorry_but_any_script_is_not_allowedion of Extra Life as well. Looker's melodies have far more to do with plainchant and other early European sacred music than with rock; they dart around unpredictably, often with multiple notes on the same syllable. Of course, wandering melismas aren't new in rock, but Looker's are tied to medieval and Renaissance music by their stair-step patterns and by the modal feel of Looker's melodies. (And in case the connection weren't already clear, the ending of "I'll Burn" is relatively straightforward Renaissance-style polyphony.)

Extra Life's ridiculously complex instrumental parts (played here by Looker on guitar and keyboard, Karen Waltuch on viola, Tony Gedrich on bass, and Zs drummer Ian Antonio – although, amazingly, Looker's touring band is Gedrich plus an otherwise completely different set of players who sound almost exactly the same) are sometimes quiet, sometimes brutal, but when they're at one extreme, there's always the sense that the other is a possibility.

"I Don't See It That Way" mostly falls into the "brutal" category, and it's just jaw-dropping. It's based on a handful of santoku-sharp guitar shards that appear over and over, but with subtle variations, and timings that are just about impossible to decipher. If it were just a technical exercise, it'd be ridiculously impressive, but the tricky timings are only one part of what the song actually does – it genuinely rocks, and its lyrics powerfully reject dog-eat-dog capitalism.

Most math rock now has more to do with what its practitioners are against than what they are for. I recently saw a math rock band that began one of its songs by quoting the opening of U2's "Sunday Bloody Sunday," then stopping abruptly and charging into a completely unrelated riff. That's pretty typical. More often than not, math rock isn't about anything except its own (perceived) complexity and a kind of self-conscious irony that acts as a shield. You don't risk exposing too much of yourself if all you're saying is, "Check out this riff! And also, U2 ####s, ha ha!"

The thing with Extra Life is that their music is about 18 times more accomplished and complex than most math rock bands could ever hope to be. And yet their music isn't the least bit ironic, and its complexity nearly always sounds like it's in the service of some broader idea. Their music is a construction, not a deconstruction, and it's complex because it has to be, not because of someone's desire to seem accomplished by playing in 13/8. (You can trust Looker when he says he doesn't listen to prog.)

And so we get lots of lovely stuff, like the spectacular ending of the epic "This Time," which manages to sound celestial despite a rhythm that jerks all over the place. Or the deliriously self-loathing "See You At the Show," in which Looker spits, "The obsolete version of Charlie Looker is dead in a bathtub / Charlie Looker '07 owns the dance floor," with his vocals and guitar locked in a quiet but intense rapid-fire unison that sounds like the obsessive tapping of fingers on a table. Or the sprightly "The Refrain," which is a heroic update on the (medieval) troubadour genre – the song doesn't feature a lute, but it feels like it could.

Remarkable for its scope, depth and technical accomplishment, Secular Works is a devastating record that has the power to change minds, if only people hear it. Don't miss out.

By Charlie Wilmoth

ÍÎ! Âûøåë àëüáîì 2010!!!!
Òåìà: Re: Extra Life
Âðåìÿ: 31.05.2010 16:10 

Tokai Stratocaster, Somer XXL, Fender Blues Junior

çàäàé ìíå âîïðîñ - è ïîëó÷è íà íåãî îòâåò!
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