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Òåìà: POD XT LIVE êàëèáðîâêà ïåäàëè
Âðåìÿ: 08.11.2007 13:00 |
Ñàìàðà ãèòàðà ![]() ![]() |
Ñêà÷àë ñ èõ ñàéòà èíñòðóêöèþ, 1. Make sure there is nothing connected to your PODxt live aside from the power cable. 2. Power up the PODxt Live while holding down the Bank Up switch. 3. Press the Amp button to zero current settings. 4. Move the pedal all the way to the heel back position, then all the way forward until the toe switch clicks. You will want to stand up and shift all of your weight to the toe position until you see the WAH light turn on. 5. Wait 10 seconds, then power the PODxt Live off and back on again. 6. Your pedal is now calibrated. Äåëàþ òàê ÷òîáû ïåäàëü ðàáîòàëà ãäå-òî â ñåðåäèíå, ò.å. ñ çàïàñîì â íà÷àëå è êîíöå. Íà÷èíàþ èãðàòü, ïåðâàÿ ïðîõîäêà ïåäàëüþ âíèç ðàáîòàåò, îñòàíàâëèâàåòñÿ òàì ãäå íàäî, íî óæå ïîñëå òîãî êàê ÿ ïåðåõîæó óñòàíîâëåííóþ ãðàíèöó, îíà ñáèâàåòñÿ, ò.å. ïåäàëü àâòîìàòè÷åñêè êàëèáðóåòñÿ â ïðîöåññå èãðû ïî ìàêñèìàëüíîìó õîäó. Êàê ïîáîðîòü ýòó ñîòîíèöêóþ ïðîáëåììó??? |
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