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Òåìà: Âîïðîñ ê çíàòîêàìÚ: ïðàâûé-ëåâûé, ëåâûé-ïðàâûé?
Âðåìÿ: 14.04.2008 01:56 |
Drums & Percussion |
Âûíîøó íà ñóä ïóáëèêè äâà ïî÷òè îäèíàêîâûõ ñàéòà, íî êàêèå æå îíè ðàçíûå. Èñòîðèÿ êàê âñåãäà âåñ¸ëàÿ, êàðî÷å ìíå ÷åë îäèí àìåðèêàíñêèé, ïðåäëîæèë áàðàáàíû LUDWIG Wistalite, è âñåãî òî çà 800 àì. äîëë. Öåíà òî êîíå÷íî ñëàäêàÿ, è êîíå÷íî ìåíÿ çàèíòåðåñîâàëî ïðåäëîæåíèå. ß ñîãäëàñèëñÿ áðàòü, íà ÷òî îí ïðåäëîæèë ïðîâåñòè (ïî ïðè÷èíå êàêîé òî åìó òîëüêî ïîíÿòíîé) ñäåëêó ÷åðåç Ebay àóêöèîí. È äàëüøå êàê ïî ïèñàííîìó: ïðèõîäèò ïèñüìî, ÿêîáû ñ åáàÿ, ÷òî ÿ óæå ïîáåäèòåëü è íàäî òîêà áàáëî îòäàòü (êóäà, êîìó, ÷èòàéòå äàëåå) his email was sent to ############ ( drumsheff ) from eBay. To increase confidence this email came from eBay we are including your name and user ID based on the information you provided when you registered on eBay. Congratulations drumsheff ! Dear drumsheff , You have agreed to purchase the following eBay item using Buy It Now : Barely Used Ludwig Vistalite Amber Drum Set w/ Hardware Please contact the seller to complete the sale at : macandrew1234@gmail.com We know that we encourage every buyer to send the money for an eBay Transaction with Paypal.This seller is an verified PayPal member but for the time we have problems with his PayPal account so he won't be able to receive payment if you pay with paypal but if you pay with Western Union we will offer you the same protection like you are paying with PayPal directly. ________________________________ Payment details Item Price: US $800.00 Quantity: 1 Subtotal: US $800.00 ________________________________ When contacting the seller directly, please do so within 3 business days. You should send payment directly to the seller. ________________________________ Det ails and instructions of this transaction: The following item(s) are clear for eBay's item insurance policy: Barely Used Ludwig Vistalite Amber Drum Set w/ Hardware eBay's Verified Payment Agent Address : Daniel Duncan 55 Mark Lane London ,United Kingdom , EC3R 4NE Buyer's Verified Shipping Address : """"""""""""""" """""""""""""""""" """"""" , IL ,60714 Note : The funds will not be released under any circumstances. We will hold the payment until you will send us your confirmation that you have received, inspected and you agree to keep the item. When we will have your confirmation we will transfer the funds to the seller. Item Title Barely Used Ludwig Vistalite Amber Drum Set w/ Hardware Amount insured: US $800.00 Payment must be sent by Western Union Money Transfer Next step to be taken: The buyer must send the payment to the seller. ________________________________ Payment instructions: To submit the payment with Western Union Money Transfer you have to pay for the transfer with cash at a local Western Union agent. Click here to locate the agents in your area www.westernunion.com. Go to one of them and send the payment to the verified name of the seller. Western Union Money Transfer is the only service that has ultimate authentication of the identity of the receiver of funds. Several IDs and utility bills are required before the funds are paid. Therefore, no one else but your seller can pick up the money. Your payments cannot be lost in the mail, like money orders or checks. 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Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. eBay and the eBay logo are trademarks of eBay Inc Ïðè÷¸ì ####### ýòî èìÿ ìîåãî êîíòàêòà â Àìåðèêå, êîòîðûé êîíñîëèäèðóåò ãðóçû, à îíè ïîäðàçóìåâàþò ìåíÿ, äàëåå """"""" - ýòî åãî àäðåñ, óçíàëè ëþäè è ïàðîëü ìîé äëÿ âõîäà â ìîé àêêàóíò, è ìîæíî âîéòè!!! Ìèëîñòè ïðîøó, ñõîäèòü â îäèí èç åáàåâ, ïîä ìîèì íèêîì drumsheff ïàðîëü baraban È âû óçíàåòå, ãäå åñòü íàñòîÿùèé åáýé Åñëè åñòü êàêèå âîïðîñû, ñ óäîâîëüñòâèåì îòâå÷ó. |
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Âîïðîñ ê çíàòîêàìÚ: ïðàâûé-ëåâûé, ëåâûé-ïðàâûé?
Âðåìÿ: 14.04.2008 01:57 |
Ìîñêâà |
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Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Âîïðîñ ê çíàòîêàìÚ: ïðàâûé-ëåâûé, ëåâûé-ïðàâûé?
Âðåìÿ: 14.04.2008 02:13 |
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Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Âîïðîñ ê çíàòîêàìÚ: ïðàâûé-ëåâûé, ëåâûé-ïðàâûé?
Âðåìÿ: 14.04.2008 03:43 |
Drums & Percussion |
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Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Âîïðîñ ê çíàòîêàìÚ: ïðàâûé-ëåâûé, ëåâûé-ïðàâûé?
Âðåìÿ: 14.04.2008 09:04 |
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Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Âîïðîñ ê çíàòîêàìÚ: ïðàâûé-ëåâûé, ëåâûé-ïðàâûé?
Âðåìÿ: 14.04.2008 09:54 |
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Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Âîïðîñ ê çíàòîêàìÚ: ïðàâûé-ëåâûé, ëåâûé-ïðàâûé?
Âðåìÿ: 14.04.2008 11:02 |
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Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Âîïðîñ ê çíàòîêàìÚ: ïðàâûé-ëåâûé, ëåâûé-ïðàâûé?
Âðåìÿ: 14.04.2008 11:08 |
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Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Âîïðîñ ê çíàòîêàìÚ: ïðàâûé-ëåâûé, ëåâûé-ïðàâûé?
Âðåìÿ: 14.04.2008 11:59 |
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Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Âîïðîñ ê çíàòîêàìÚ: ïðàâûé-ëåâûé, ëåâûé-ïðàâûé?
Âðåìÿ: 14.04.2008 12:00 |
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Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Âîïðîñ ê çíàòîêàìÚ: ïðàâûé-ëåâûé, ëåâûé-ïðàâûé?
Âðåìÿ: 14.04.2008 12:19 |
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Åñëè â Ðîññè òî áóäåò: íàeby.ru |
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Âîïðîñ ê çíàòîêàìÚ: ïðàâûé-ëåâûé, ëåâûé-ïðàâûé?
Âðåìÿ: 14.04.2008 12:50 |
Drums & Percussion |
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Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Âîïðîñ ê çíàòîêàìÚ: ïðàâûé-ëåâûé, ëåâûé-ïðàâûé?
Âðåìÿ: 15.04.2008 07:15 |
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Òåìà: Re: Âîïðîñ ê çíàòîêàìÚ: ïðàâûé-ëåâûé, ëåâûé-ïðàâûé?
Âðåìÿ: 15.04.2008 10:10 |
Drums & Percussion |
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