Àâòîð | Òåìà: ïðîäàì Ïðåñåòû äëÿ Roland TD-30, 20X, 20 è 12 çâóê òîïîâûõ áàðàáàíùèêîâ |
Âðåìÿ: 20.03.2019 15:32 |
Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã Guitars ![]() ![]() |
Çâóê òîïîâûõ áàðàáàíùèêîâ ÏÐÅÑÅÒÛ !!! (ãîòîâûå íàðóëåííûå çâóêè îò èìåíèòûõ áàðàáàíùèêîâ) "Top 50 Drummers 1"... John Bonham, Tommy Le, Ian Paice, Mike Portnoy, Chad Smit, Terry Bozzio, Dave Weckl è äðóãèå... Ïîäõîäèò äëÿ Roland TD-30, 20X, 20 è 12 !!! Ïîêóïàë äàííûé íàáîð ïðåñåòîâ "Top 50 Drummers 1" âîò òóò: Êîìó èíòåðåñíî ïèøèòå â ëè÷êó. - Ñïèñîê äðàììåðîâ, íà ÷üèõ óñòàíîâêàõ ôîðìèðîâàëñÿ çâóê íèæå ... Ïðåñåòû çàãðóæàþòñÿ â ìîäóëü ñ ôëýøêàðòû. Èíñòðóêöèè ïî óñòàíîâêå â êîìïëåêòå (íà àíãëèéñêîì), íà ðóññêîì åñòü äëÿ TD-20, ñ óñòàíîâêîé ïîìîãó. Æèâûå ïðèìåðû åñòü, åñëè ïåðåéòè ïî ññûëêå âûøå (íî ïðåñåòû èç ñïèñêà ó íèõ íå âñå íà ñàéòå). Îáñóäèòü ìîæíî âÊîíòàêòå. ÑÏÈÑÎÊ: Top 50 Drummers Expansion Pack Kit Listing (Kits are modeled to sound like the following) Tim Alexander 1991 Sailing the Seas of Cheese | includes a big airy wet sound w/ various EFX cymbals Rick Allen 1983 Pyromania | classic Def Leppard hard rock sound w/ a thick snare Ginger Baker 1971 Drum Solo | from the famous unreleased drum solo - raw vintage sound with light added ambience Travis Barker 1999 Enema of the State | modeled from "All the Small Things" - clean modern rock sound Carter Beauford 1994 Under the Table and Dreaming | modeled from "Ants Marching" w/ Carter's signature snare sound Frank Beard 1983 Eliminator | straight forward ZZ TOP - clean live kit, no big production here! John Bonham modeled from original raw drum tracks | big, boomy, classic raw Bonham sound Terry Bozzio 1999 Late Nights Early Days | modeled to result in a live essence of Terry's MP days with his roto-set Bun E Carlos 1977 Cheap Trick | classic clean studio drum sound from one of the most popular CT releases of all time Dennis Chambers modeled from drum solo | tight - just like Dennis likes - great for fast & clean fusion Vinnie Colaiuta 1993 Ten Summoner's Tales | outstanding Vinnie studio sound from his incredible Gretch kit - great snare w/ xstick Phil Collins 1981 Face Value | famous canyon toms from "In the Air Tonight" Aaron Commes 1991 Pocket full of Kryptonite | incredible tight Brady snare - set modeled from the famous "Two Princes" sound Tre Cool 1994 Dookie | dry Green Day studio sound from "Longview" Stewart Copeland 1979 Reggatta de Blanc | classic raw Copeland sound - light ambience added to reflect Stewart's live sound Peter Criss 1976 Destroyer | thick 70's rock kit - great for many 70's rock groups Liberty DeVitto 1982 Nylon Curtain | one of the first heavily produced drum tracks "Pressure" Peter Erskine 1993 Live at Jazz Baltica | modeled from one of Peter's signature solo's - high n' tight Yamaha jazz kit! Mick Fleetwood 1982 Mirage | Mick's well known thick sound Steve Gadd 1994 Burning for Buddy | clean jazz kit very reminesent of Gadd's sound over the years - great clean snare Jerry Gaskill 1992 Kings X | compressed thick heavy sound - great kit live for 90's hard rock Mel Gaynor 2002 Best of Simple Minds | incredible drum sound from the 80's hit "Don't you Forget About Me" Omar Hakim 1985 Dream of the Blue Turtles | Omar's signature studio sound from the 80's - incredible xstick! Joey Kramer 1998 Armageddon | very studio produced sound from "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" Tommy Lee 1985 Theatre of Pain | dryer 80's big drum sound from "Smokin' in the Boy's Room" - add reverb as needed Stan Lynch 1993 Greatest Hits | classic Tom Petty drum sound - dry n' loud Keith Moon 1969 Tommy | "Pinball Wizard's" theatrical Keith Moon classic sound - dry, add reverb as needed Larry Mullen 1983 War | incredible replication of "Sunday Bloody Sunday's" lo-fi sound - panning extended for more applications Ian Paice 1972 Machine Head | dry, no-frills drum sound from "Smoke on the Water" - ambience added for live play improvement Vinnie Paul 1990 Cowboys From Hell | killer Pantera bass drums - heavily compressed toms - everything Vinnie loves! Neil Peart 1981 Moving Pictures | tight, clean and produced kit from the Moving Pictures release - killer china replication too! Stephen Perkins 1990 Ritual de lo Habitual | famous Perkins sound from "Been Caught Stealing" - w/808 (sn/rim) sounds! Scott Phillips 2001 Weathered | loud and open sound from "My Sacrifice" - big toms for Scott's ballad fills Jeff Pocaro 1982 Toto IV | awesome replication of Jeff's most famous "Rosanna" recording and the modified "Purdy shuffle" Mike Portnoy 1999 Scenes from a Memory | Mike's demanding power toms with incredible compressed bass drums Bernard Purdie modeled from "first drum solo | classic raw vintage maple sound - nice n' open for dirty jazz n' funk! Buddy Rich 1973 Ease on Down the Road | classic recording sound of Buddy Rich - includes a nice clean xstick Scott Rockenfield 1990 Empire | incredible cathedral sound of "Silent Lucidity" - nice warm, explosive toms Ringo Starr 1963 The Beatles | classic Ringo sound from The Beatles - incredible live set for dry 60's rock Morgan Rose 2001 Animosity | powerful compressed acoustic kit from "Live Again" Chad Smith 1991 Blood Sugar Sex Magik | famous drum sound from "Give It Away" - incredible replication w/ massive reverb, etc Steve Smith 1983 Frontiers | heavy contemporary drum sound from the great Journey era - big deep toms Roger Taylor 1982 Rio | classic Duran Duran drum sound w/Simmons from "Hungry Like the Wolf" Roger Taylor 1975 Night at the Opera | vintage Queen sound from "Bohemian Rhapsody" - ambience increased for more depth Lars Ulrich 1988 And Justice for All | heavy Metallica sound modeled from "One" - shotgun bass drums for those 6's Alex Van Halen 1984 1984 | as close as the TD-20 can come to Alex's signature snare sound - includes rotos from "Jump" Charlie Watts 1981 Tattoo You | classic Rolling Stones studio sound Dave Weckl 1992 Heads Up | early Chick Corea drum sound - tight and compressed Max Weinberg 2000 Max Weinberg 7 | big open jazz kit - includes Max's 24" signature bass drum depth and DW's maple toms Mike Wengren 2000 The Sickness | one of the heaviest kits in the group - Disturb's incredible compressed drum sound |
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