Àâòîð | Òåìà: ïðîäàì Seymour Duncan patb-1 bridge Hamer Californian USA |
Âðåìÿ: 13-06 21:34 |
Moscow Guitars ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Seymour Duncan PATB-1 Made in USA c Hamer Californian 1990 ãîäà, ñòîÿë â áðèäæå, PATB-1 î÷åíü ÷èòàåìûé äàò÷èê. Íà PATB1 ñòàâÿò ìàãíèò Àëíèêî 5 , ÷òî äàåò áîëåå ìóçûêàëüíûé çâóê. PATB íàïîìèíàåò ðàñêà÷àííûé ñîâðåìåííûé ãèáñîíîâñêèé P.A.F. íà ìàêñèìàëêàõ 16.15 kOm Ïðîäàí  êîìïàíèè Õàìåð ãðàìîòíûå ñïåöèàëèñòû ðàáîòàëè, êàê òîëüêî âûøåë PATB-1 åãî íà÷àëè ñòàâèòü âìåñòî OBL ïî ïðè÷èíå ÷òî PATB áûë ëó÷øå âî âñåõ ñìûñëàõ. .. ñî ñòðàíè÷êè Ñýéìîða : Let’s call this one the original. All others have a unique nomenclature, but this one doesn’t really have one! I have no idea if I’m technically correct, but to my ears, this pickup is an offspring of the Seymour Duncan Custom. It has the same bold mids, the same cut in the highs and the same hotrodded PAF feel. The difference is the sparkle in the high end and the sheer transparency of the tone. It seems as if every note is made of crystal. There’s a crunchy feel to the SH-5 Custom, but the PATB-1 doesn’t have that. The Custom can give a dirty, rude tone on an amp with a bit of crunch dialed in (but not as much as overdrive, just a bit of dirt). This dirtiness is something the PATB-1 lacks. It keeps that clarity and transparency even if you dig in hard. That makes the PATB-1 a much more versatile pickup, at least to my ears. Because it doesn’t get dirty you can use it for clean, funky rhythms, complex chord progressions and fluid leads. If your amp has the chops, the PATB-1 won’t let you down! Guitarists love new things and innovative design, as long as everything remains the same.” That’s a remark one of my friends once made. It may be slightly tongue in cheek, but it is true to some extent. New technologies aren’t greeted by guitarists as enthusiastically as in other fields. But every once in a while there’s something new, something fresh that does make it through the initial skepticism. One such product is the Parallel Axis series of pickups by Seymour Duncan. . The look of these pickups is totally unique and serves a huge tonal purpose. Even though the same magnet is being used on the Parallel Axis pickups as it is on ‘regular’ humbuckers, the magnetic field is spread more evenly due to the dual slotted pole pieces. This ensures great string separation which in turn yields a clear, transparent sound that can’t be copied through a conventionally designed pickup. The highs are softer yet more vocal and pronounced. The mids are less congested and seem to cut through more, and the lows are tight but not boomy |