Àâòîð | Òåìà: Ïðîäàì DiMarzio Twang King Neck (äëÿ òåëåêàñòåðà) (ìñê) |
Âðåìÿ: 13-04 23:34 |
ãèòàðà ![]() ![]() |
DiMarzio Twang King. (DP 172) Âûõëîï: 89 ì Ñîïðîòèâëåíèå: 6,22 êÎì Ìàãíèòû: Àëíèêî 5 Ñ õðîìèðîâàííîé êðûøêîé. Òðè ïðîâîäà. Êîðîáêà (íå ðîäíàÿ), âèíòû Á/ó. Êëàññè÷åñêèé íåêîâûé çâóê òåëåêàñòåðà - ÷èñòûé è ðîâíûé. Õîðîø äëÿ ðîêà, áëþçà è êàíòðè. Äàò÷èê íåãðîìêèé. Îïèñàíèå îò ïðîèçâîäèòåëÿ: When we decided to go for the vintage Tele® sound, we knew we had to do more than just copy a forty-year-old design. We wanted pickups that captured the best elements of our favorite Broadcaster® and Telecaster® sounds – and then some. The Twang King™ pickups have unequalled response to pick attack: light playing produces a soft, quiet tone and hard picking creates a harder, louder, and more dynamic sound than any comparable single-coil. We accomplished this with a combination of controlled-tension coil-winding, special wire, and hand-calibrated magnets. The neck pickup comes with a chrome cover, and the bridge model has a ferrous base plate. Both pickups are wax-potted twice for squeal-free performance. Recommended For: Standard Tele® neck position. Tech Talk: We didn't model the Twang King™ neck pickup after a specific original because, honestly, we never found one we were 100% happy with. We were aiming for big, clean lows and highs, and we wanted the pickup to be able to handle a very wide dynamic range, so the sound would clean up with soft picking and really open up with a harder attack. Êîíòàêòû: peter.krasov@gmail.com 1800 ðóáëåé |
Àâòîð |
Òåìà: Re: Ïðîäàì DiMarzio Twang King Neck (äëÿ òåëåêàñòåðà) (ìñê)
Âðåìÿ: 24-04 00:53 |
Ìîñêâà Äîáàâü â æèçíü Rock n Rolla ![]() ![]() ![]() |
åùå íå ïðîäàí?ãäå ìîæíî çàáðàòü? | |
Marshall TMB 66' / 4X12 Greenback 73' ;USAGibson LP'74w/Tom Holmes set;EvidenceAudioThe Forte,TS-9Alextriomod,Plush Drive,Analogman bicomp,ISP Decimator,Wampler AnalogEcho.