Àâòîð | Òåìà: Boosting & Compressor G-LAB BC-1 êà÷åñòâåííûé Äâîéíîé áóñò è Äâîéíîé êîìïðåññîð |
Âðåìÿ: 31.08.2011 15:40 |
Moscow Guitars ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Boosting & Compressor G-LAB BC-1 êà÷åñòâåííûé äâîéíîé áóñò è äâîéíîé êîìïðåññîð -óñòðîéñòâî ïîääåðæèâàåò õðàíåíèå äâóõ íàñòðîåê À è Â, êîòîðûå ïåðåêëþ÷àþòñÿ îäíèì íàæàòèåì,òàêæå âîçìîæíîñòüþ ðàáîòû êîìïðåññîðà äëÿ ñèíãëà èëè õàìáàêêåðà,àêòèâíûé èëè ïàñèâíûé çâóêîñíèìàòåëü,ýòî êîìïðåññîð ñ êëàññè÷åñêèì àíàëîãîâûì äèçàéíîì è îïòè÷åñêèìè êîìïîíåíòàìè, îáåñïå÷èâàþùèå ìèíèìàëüíûé óðîâåíü øóìà è âûñî÷àéøåå êà÷åñòâî çâóêà,òðó áàéáàñ,ïðåäîõðàíÿåò öåïü â ïåäàë-áîàðäå îò èñòîùåíèÿ ñèãíàëà,òàêæå ïåðåêëþ÷åíèå ðàáîòû áàñ ãèòàðà èëè ãèòàðà,åñòü ìèäè óïðàâëåíèå,îòëè÷íûé áóñò è êîìïðåññîð äëÿ êðàí÷¸âîãî è ïåðåãðóæåííîãî çâóêà.Ïåäàëü â èäåàëüíîì è ðàáî÷åì ñîñòîÿíèè.Ïðîäàí Pricing & Availability The G LAB BC-1 Boosting Compressor is priced at $339.99. TSI Distributing will be showing the full line of G LAB products at Winter NAMM in Anaheim, January 14-17, 2010 8-9637870253 Îëåã Ìîñêâà ì.Àëåêñååâñêàÿ The BC-1 Boosting Compressor is a classic analog footpedal design with an optical component designed to ensure ultra-low noise performance and superior sound quality. The BC-1 is a guitar-specific design that works especially well on crunch and overdriven tones, providing boost and compression as needed, yet without adding pumping or breathing artifacts to the sound, according to the manufacturer. Dual pairs of Boost and Comp controls allow for A and B setups, switchable via footswitch. A second switch takes the BC-1 out of the signal path with G LAB's noise-free True Bypass optical circuitry. Boosting Compressor BC-1 is a classic full analog compressor with opto component which ensures the highest sound quality. Thanks to its ultra low noise level the BC-1 works very well as a booster or booster-compressor on crunch and overdriven tones. With the BC-1 your guitar will sound better and it makes playing much easier. You will not hear typical ‘pump’ or ‘breath’ effect. Thanks to the possibility of changing the time characteristics it is possible to use the BC-1 also with the bass guitar. Matching the circuits to the guitar signal characteristics enables to achieve the optimal effective working of the compressor. Thanks to its MODE switch it is possible to use the BC-1 with electric or with the bass guitar. Its GAIN switch enables to match the compression to the guitar signal. The adjustment of compression level and boost is done by two pairs (A and B) of BOOST and COMP regulators which are selected by the footswitch. Two footswitches can work in four modes what enables to adjust the unit to the guitarist individual needs. The current compression level is indicated by DUMP indicator. Pricing & Availability The G LAB BC-1 Boosting Compressor is priced at $339.99. TSI Distributing will be showing the full line of G LAB products at Winter NAMM in Anaheim, January 14-17, 2010 |