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Çàäàòü íîâóþ òåìó
Òåìà: ïðîäàì Krank Chadwick
ãîðîä: Êèåâ öåíà: 1300 Âðåìÿ: 13.02.2011 14:42 

ïðîäàì îòëè÷íûé êîìáàðü Krank Chadwick
The Chadwick in detail:

Gain—This controls the amount of distortion or overdrive generated at the front end of the preamp section.

Drive—This adds gain in the middle of the preamp for more distortion and overdrive. Pushing the Drive switch in increases the gain in the circuit.

Envelope—This controls the amount of gain in the last stage of the preamp. Turned down, the envelope will sound cool and bright. Increasing the Envelope will increase sustain and make the amp sound a bit softer. It's best to start in the middle and check out both directions with this control. Note that if either the Gain or the Envelope is turned all the way down the amp will make no sound.

Shift—This switches the tone of the Drive channel between one of two preset values. In the "out" or "off" position the circuit flows normally through the EQ section. Pushed in and activated, Shift allows more mids and lows through the circuit and makes the tone controls slightly less active. Simply put the Shift control switches between Classic Tube and a Modified Tube amp. Krank thought both sounded great and so gives you both options to let you choose what suits your style best.

Krank Chadwick 2-Channel Amp Features:
Speaker Outputs 16, 8, and 4 ohms
Line out
2 premium Sovtek 5881 power tubes
4 ElectroHarmonix 12AX7 preamp tubes
Active/Passive series effects loop with volume control
2 Eminence V12 legend speakers
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