Àâòîð | Òåìà: Hafler Model T3 Tube Preamp MADE |
Âðåìÿ: 10.11.2010 00:13 |
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Hafler Model T3 Tube Preamp MADE IN USA!! Features: -Dual 12AX7s -Three channels -Level and EQ for each channel (for OD channels, pull the bass knob for mids boost) -MIDI in and out/thru OR footswitch option -Stereo outputs and FX loop -Instrument or level button (+4, -10) Great condition, just some minor wear visible on the bottom rack panel. The top and faceplate are excellent. Overdrive is kind of "hotrod Marshall/Soldano" sounding. Plenty of gain, simple, and MIDI controllable. But lucky enough I have the original footswitch included. Èäåàëüíîå ñîñòîÿíèå.Ïðàêòè÷åñêè íîâûé.Æèðíûé è ñî÷íûé ïåðåãðóç.  êîìïëåêò âõîäèò ôóòñâè÷. Äîñòàâëþ â ðåãèîíû îïåðàòèâíî supertwin2005@yahoo.com ICQ 230328672 Skype:Boris Grubii Áîðèñ |