Àâòîð | Òåìà: Digitech XSW SynthWah |
Âðåìÿ: 01.04.2009 10:34 |
Ìîñêâà GeeTarr |
Digitech XSW SynthWah - îáàëäåííûé ýôôåêò, ÿâíî èñïîëüçîâàëñÿ Daft Punk ïðè çàïèñè ïåñåí Robot Rock, Human After All. Ìíîãî ðåæèìîâ ðàáîòû - îò ïñåâäî-àíàëîãîâîãî ñèíòåçàòîðà è èìèòàöèè âîêîäåðà, äî êëàññè÷åñêîãî æèðíîãî ýíâåëîï-ôèëüòðà. 2700 ð 8-916-293-58-97, Íèêèòà Ðåâüþ ñ Õ-Ö: "The sound quality is incredible with this unit. Thick all pervasive full range in complete control, gone was the cheap raspy thin snap of other touch wahs I have had. This was thick and the sound quality just beyond my expectations." "Lush, full, heavy, fullbodied tones even on the high pitched wahs, great sound headroom and quality a digital masterpiece without all the analog crap signal noise and back triggers. Havign had a real Mutron III in my old days that thing was a nightmare to adjust and use, this unit if you can play can yield some real head turning sounds and tones. It was really funky heavy with massive range and body. I love it." "This pedal is inspiring. I started playing with it today for the first time and spent two hours on it coming up with 4 great settings, 3 new licks, while grooving like a mad man." |