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Òåìà: Johnson J-Station, ïð-âà ÑØÀ
Âðåìÿ: 15.01.2009 21:30 |
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alexeynik83@mail.ru, Àëåêñåé. Ïðîäàì ñàìûé ëó÷øèé ïðåàìï/ïðîöåññîð äëÿ ýëåêòðîãèòàðû Johnson J-Station Óñîâðåøåíñòâîâàííàÿ âåðñèÿ 2.0, ñäåëàíî â ÑØÀ ! Ìåòàëëè÷åñêèé êîðïóñ! Èíñòðóêöèÿ! Êîðîáêà! alexeynik83@mail.ru johnson-amp.com/jstation.htm (ÑÑÛËÊÀ ÍÅ ßÂËßÅÒÑß ÐÅÊËÀÌÍÎÉ!)ò.ê. Îí óæå íå âûïóñêàåòñÿ è ÿâëÿåòñÿ î÷åíü ðåäêèì è äîðîãèì îáîðóäîâàíèåì! Ýòî ëó÷øèé ïðåàìï/ïðîöåññîð äëÿ ýëåêòðîãèòàðû èç âñåõ ñóùåñòâîâàâøèõ êîãäà-ëèáî !!! ![]() Ôðàãìåíò îïèñàíèÿ: Guitar & Bass Amp Models The most popular guitar amps thoughout musical history, acoustic guitar simultors, and monster bass amp models are all at your disposal. Marshall® is a registered trademark of Marshall Amplification Plc. Vox® is a registered trademark of Korg UK. Fender, Matchless, Mesa Boogie, HiWatt, SWR, Acoustic, Ampeg, and Trace Elliot, are trademarks of their respective companies and are in no way associated with Johnson Amplification. 00 - J Crunch (based on JM150 Millennium Crunch) 01 - J Solo (based on JM150 Millennium Solo) 02 - J Clean (based on JM150 Millennium Clean) 03 - Boutique (based on a Matchless DC30) 04 - Rectified (based on a MesaBoogie Dual Rectifier) 05 - Brit Stack (based on a Marshall JCM900) 06 - Brit Class A (based on a '63 Vox AC30 top boost) 07 - BlackFace (based on a '65 Fender Twin Reverb) 08 - Boat Back (a piezo acoustic guitar) 09 - Flat Top (a dreadnaught acoustic guitar) 10 - Hot Rod (based on a Mesa Boogie Mark II C) 11 - Tweed (based on a '57 Fender Tweed Deluxe) 12 - Blues (a dynamic blues tube combo) 13 - Fuzz (a 60's fuzz tone) 14 - Modern (based on an SWR bass) 15 - British (based on a Trace Elliot bass amp) 16 - Rock (based on an Ampeg SVT bass amp) 17 - More A1 (based on a Hiwatt Custom 50) 18 - More A2 (based on a '78 Marshall Mstr Volume) 19 - More A3 (based on a '81 Marshall JCM800 w/EL34s) 20 - More A4 (based on a '72 Fender Bandmaster) 21 - More A5 (based on a '65 Fender Bassman) 22 - More A6 (based on a SWR Interstellar Odrive) 23 - More A7 (based on a '83 Fender Concert Head) 24 - More A8 (Direct - no modelling) Cabinet Imaging Technology Our Cabinet Imaging Technology (CIT™) is the most advanced of any amp recording processor. You can mix and match any of the 12 different cabinets with any amplifier type! 00 - No Cabinet 01 - Brit 4x12 (Marshall 1960A w/ 75W Celestions) 02 - Johnson 412V (loaded w/ Vintage 30 Celestions) 03 - Fane 4x12 (a Hiwatt SE4123 w/Fanes) 04 - Johnson 2x12 (Open back w/Vintage 30 Celestions) 05 - American 2x12 (a Fender Twin 2x12) 06 - Jennings Blue 2x12 (a '63 Vox AC30) 07 - Tweed 1x12 (a Fender Deluxe 1x12) 08 - Blonde 2x12 (a Bassman 2x12) 09 - Bass 4x10 w/ Tweeter (an SWR 4x10 w/tweeter) 10 - Bass 360 1x18 (an Acoustic 360) 11 - Flex Bass 1x15 (a Ampeg Portaflex) 12 - Green Back 4x12 (a Marshall 1960B w/ 25W Celestion Greenbacks) 13 - Mega 1516 (a Peavey 1x15 and 2x8) 14 - Boutique 4x12(Va HT 4x12 w/Celestion V30s) 15 - '65 Tweed 1x12(a Fender '65 Deluxe) 16 - Goliath 4x10 (an SWR Goliath) 17 - Ivy League 1x10 (a Fender Harvard) 18 - Bass Man 4x10 (a Fender Bassman) |