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Òåìà: ïðîäàì Delay Maxon !!!ÏÐÎÄÀÍ!!!
Âðåìÿ: 06.07.2008 16:48 |
SPb Guitar |
Ïðîäàì ÿïîíñêèé ñòåðåî äåëåé ñ ìîäóëÿöèåé «Maxon DM-01 Multimode Delay» (Japan) 6 ðó÷åê óïðàâëåíèÿ: Delay Time, Speed, Delay Level, Delay Range, 6-òè ïîçèöèîííûé ïåðåêëþ÷àòåëü çàäåðæêè ñ ïîìîùüþ êîòîðîãî íàêðó÷èâàåòñÿ: ôëýíäæåð, õîðóñ, doubling, ñëåï áåê, ñðåäíèé è äëèííàÿ çàäåðæêà (äî 1024 ìèëëèñåêóíä), Width, è Repeat. Íåìíîãî èíôû îá îñîáåííîñòÿõ ìîäóëÿöèè: An L.F.O. (low frequency oscillator) changes the delay time periodically. The sweep width, or distance between extremes in delay time, is set by the width control. The period of the sweep cycle is set by the speed control. When delay time is changed (manually or via L.F.O. at regular intervals) the pitch also changes. At short delay settings the pitch sweep is more noticeable than the delays. This is the same unit internally as the Ibanez DML20 Digital Modulation Delay III Ñîñòîÿíèå õîðîøåå. 89062486323 89046468090 Îëåã |
- TC Electronic SCF - Ëèïó÷êà, øèðîêàÿ 50ìì |