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Òåìà: Ìóíäøòóê òåíîð-ñàêñ Berg Larsen
Âðåìÿ: 01.02.2008 06:58 |
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Ïîêëîííèêàì Rock'n'Roll-íîãî çâó÷àíèÿ òåíîð-ñàêñîôîíà! The Duck Bill was re-introduced by Popular Demand. The original was very popular with the Rock 'n' Roll players of the time and this mouthpiece is perfect for todays modern players. Berg Larsen designed and manufactured his first mouthpiece back in the 1940s. Over the years a full range of mouthpieces has evolved offering both the amateur and professional musician a high quality, comprehensive range to choose from. Both the name Berg Larsen and the products associated with it have traveled well into the 21st century and if hi was alive today, Berg Larsen would be proud of the quality products still being hand crafted by traditional methods. Ïðîäàì ìóíäøòóê äëÿ òåíîð-ñàêñîôîíà Berg Larsen Stainless Steel Duckbill Mouthpiece for Tenor 120-0 M-D, â êîìïëåêòå: ñòàëüíàÿ ìàøèíêà (ðîäíàÿ), äâà êîëïà÷êà (ñòàëüíîé è ïëàñòèêîâûé). Ìóíäøòóê êóïëåí íà ñàéòå www.berglarsen.com,â Ðîññèè - ðåäêèé (âîçìîæíî åäèíñòâåííûé), ñîñòîÿíèå "ÍÎÂÛÉ" 9000 ðóáëåé áåç òîðãà (Íà ñàéòå ïðîèçâîäèòåëÿ 350 Åâðî=12950 ðóáëåé). Ìîñêâà. antonioclave@gmail.com +7 909 986 27 23 |