Àâòîð | Òåìà: ïðîäàì óäàðíûå Zildjian18" Azuka Timbale Cymbal |
Âðåìÿ: 06.12.2009 21:14 |
Ìîñêâà Ñàêñîôîí |
Ïðîäàì Zildjian FX Series 18" AZUKA TIMBALE CYMBAL Òàðåëêà äëÿ Òèìáàëåñ (Crash+Ride+îòëè÷íûé Bell). Òàðåëêà â ïðåêðàñíîì ñîñòîÿíèè (ïðàêòè÷åñêè íîâàÿ). Åäèíñòâåííûé àêêóðàòíûé õîçÿèí. Èãðàë ìàëî è íåãðîìêî + ÷åõîë äëÿ îäíîé òàðåëêè Zildjian.  Ðîññèè - ðåäêèé ýêçåìïëÿð - ñàì ãîíÿëñÿ çà íåé äîëãî - íå óïóñòèòå øàíñ - ÑÐÎ×ÍÎ! (À òî ïåðåäóìàþ ) 9000 ðóáëåé áåç òîðãà. (ã.Ìîñêâà - Ì Ïðîñïåêò Ìèðà) e-mail: antonborkov(áóêâà "à" â êðóæî÷êå)gmail.com Extremely clear bell response. Dry ride response for good stick articulation. Opens up fast for dynamic crashes with excellent projection. Zildjian temaed up with Alex Acuna to create the Azuka cymbal line especially made for Latin Percussionists. "When I add percussion to my drumset, I often play congas and bongos with my left hand and the rest of the kit with a stick in my right. For years, I wanted to be able to play a cymbal with my left hand. Then I thought, a cymbal that you could play with your left hand would open up a whole new world of sound for all Latin Percussionists." |