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Âðåìÿ: 28.03.2008 14:16 | |
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ÏÐÎÄÀÍÎ! Àêòèâíûé äèáîêñ ñ ýìóëÿòîðîì ëàìïîâîãî áàö-ãèòàðíîãî óñèëèòåëÿ SansAmp Bass DI. Made in USA. Ýòî ïðåäøåñòâåííèê èçâåñòíîãî ïðèáîðà Bass Driver DI. Ìîæåò áûòü êîìó-òî ïðèãîäèòñÿ. Èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ïðè ïîäêëþ÷åíèè áàö-ãèòàðû â ìèêøåð, çâóêîâóþ êàðòó, âîáùåì â ëèíèþ. Ðåãóëèðîâêè Presence, Drive, Level, Blend ðàñïîëîæåíû âíóòðè äåâàéñà. Ýòîò ïðîñòîé, ïîëåçíûé è äóøåâíûé ïðèáîð ðåãóëÿðíî âûðó÷àë â ñëîæíûõ êîíöåðòíûõ è ðåïåòèöèîííûõ óñëîâèÿõ. Ìíå ýòîò áåçóñëîâíî îòëè÷íûé äåâàéñ ñòàë íå íóæåí, â ñâÿçè ñ ïðèîáðåòåíèåì äðóãîãî ïðèáîðà. Ñîñòîÿíèå ñ ó÷åòîì âîçðàñòà - èäåàëüíîå. Íåò íè êîöåê, íè ÷åãî-ëèáî ïîäîáíîãî. Êîðîáêà ñ áóìàæêîé òàêæå èìååò ìåñòî áûòü. Öåíà 2000 ðóáëåé. Âîò ÷òî ïèøóò èíîñòðàííûå òîâàðèùè, öèòèðóÿ îò÷àñòè èç ìàíóàëà ïðèáîðà: > Get great direct recorded or live bass sounds with ease! Active direct box with Tube Amplifier Emulation circuitry. Excellent condition. > For studio recording and live performances, you get all the benefits, convenience, and portability of a direct box without sacrificing the warmth, presence and punch of a miked-up bass amplification system. > In bypass, SansAmp Bass DI functions like any other active transformerless direct box. Without changing the sound, it converts the instrument signal to a low impedance balance output. This prevents signal loss and sound quality deterioration caused by long cable lengths. When you engage the SansAmp Bass DI Tube Amplifier Emulation circuitry, it not only converts the signal, it gives you the sound and responsiveness of a miked-up pro stage rig – direct into a recording console or PA system. > Your individual playing style, your individual musical style, and your guitar’s individual tonality each play an important role in the resulting sound. The internal controls are designed to offer flexibility. These trimmable internal controls give you the option of customizing your sound… from big, round, smooth Jazz…to clean, punchy slap fusion…to metal meltdown. Download the manual at |